1. This message convicted me so much! However I don’t know how to get from where I am to out of debt. 😢 I have no job, I am disabled and on Social Security which pays either my rent or my utilities and food. I have to go to an emergency office each month and they don’t think I need internet or anything more than 250 minutes on a cell phone. At 71 I didn’t think things would be this way 😢. He still brings me through. All I can say is God is keeping me! 🙏🏽

  2. Thankyou Lord ❤ for your provision. 15 years I started helping and giving till today and survived due this wisdom from Pastor Myles. Made me hopeful to stay in the kingdom 🙏

  3. Here I was thinking Lord grant me the wisdom to payoff all my debts in record time & He led me here. I intend to listen to this message every day and implement every shared wisdom key 🔑 . God is faithful and I will return with my testimony in 2024 same time

  4. If I could like this video a million times I would…..there's much I need to do to turn my financial situation around. Thank you Mr. Myles for sharing from the wealth of knowledge you had. RIP

  5. I have been asking God to show me how to become debt free. I know it was the Lord who lead me here. This video is rare and valuable, knowledge is power! It all belongs to God! Rest in Heaven Mr. Monroe!

  6. Please come to Chicago and organize every church member in Chicago to be downtown this weekend to stand up against the evil spirits that have seduced our young children into acting like demons. In Jesus name, Amen.


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