The journey of a woman scientist who, at the end of times, discovers that true Faith can bring Miracles. Dedicated to our editor …


  1. I am a Muslim and I love Christ very much, and we Muslims believe in the reappearance of Christ with the Awaited Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his honorable reappearance) and we hope that this will happen very soon, as the world has been destroyed.💚

  2. The second coming of a “myth” all based on ignorant men centuries ago “making shit up” attempting to explain the natural world in order to control women and the masses w/o a shred of verifiable data or empirical, science based evidence of any supernatural event, or gods; while ripping off billions of tax free dollars from the gullible.

  3. Этот фильм — плод человеческого воображения. Бог не нужен, нет равных, Он не рожден и не нерожден. Фильм, который вы смотрите, — обманчивый фильм, представленный вам евреями, неоднократно убивавшими пророков. Хорошо вокруг вас – вы увидите, как сионисты (евреи) затягивают весь мир в болото ростовщичества. Они не занимаются ростовщичеством.Где в мире хаос, война и резня, знайте, что есть еврейско-сионистские интересы. Узнай своего друга и врага. Еще хочу отметить, что все страны мира, даже США, действуют по их диктату. Все верующие только в Бога знают, что Иисус жив и никогда не был распят. Весь мир — как мусульмане, так и немусульмане — ждет пришествия Иисуса Христа. Евреи хотели распять Иисуса. Я вверяю тебя Богу.

  4. Dieser Film ist ein Produkt menschlicher Vorstellungskraft. Gott ist unnötig, es gibt kein Gleiches, Er ist weder geboren noch ungeboren. Der Film, den Sie gerade sehen, ist ein irreführender Film, der Ihnen von den Juden präsentiert wird, die wiederholt die Propheten getötet haben. Gut um dich herum – du wirst sehen, wie die Zionisten (Juden) die ganze Welt in den Sumpf des Wuchers ziehen. Sie betreiben keinen Wucher, wo auf der Welt Chaos, Krieg und Massaker herrschen, wisse, dass es jüdisch-zionistische Interessen gibt. Lerne Freund und Feind kennen. Ich möchte auch darauf hinweisen, dass alle Länder der Welt, sogar die USA, nach ihrem Diktat handeln. Alle, die nur an Gott glauben, wissen, dass Jesus lebt und nie gekreuzigt wurde. Die ganze Welt – Muslime und Nicht-Muslime gleichermaßen – wartet auf das Kommen von Jesus Christus. Die Juden wollten Jesus kreuzigen. Ich vertraue dich Gott an.

  5. Ce film est un produit de l'imagination humaine. Dieu est inutile, il n'y a pas d'égal, Il n'est ni né ni à naître. Le film que vous regardez est un film trompeur qui vous est présenté par les Juifs qui ont tué à plusieurs reprises les prophètes. Bien autour de vous – vous verrez les sionistes (juifs) entraîner le monde entier dans le marais de l'usure. Ils ne sont pas engagés dans l'usure Là où il y a chaos, guerre et massacre dans le monde, sachez qu'il y a des intérêts juifs-sionistes. Apprenez à connaître votre ami et votre ennemi. Je voudrais également souligner que tous les pays du monde, même les États-Unis, agissent selon leurs diktats. Tous les croyants en Dieu seul savent que Jésus est vivant et n'a jamais été crucifié. Le monde entier – musulmans et non-musulmans – attend la venue de Jésus-Christ. Les Juifs voulaient crucifier Jésus. Je te confie à Dieu.

  6. 이 영화는 인간의 상상의 산물이다. 신은 불필요하고 동등하지 않으며 태어나지도 않고 태어나지도 않습니다. 당신이 보고 있는 영화는 선지자들을 거듭해서 죽인 유대인들이 당신에게 제시한 기만적인 영화입니다. 당신 주위에 좋은 – 당신은 시온주의자(유대인)가 전 세계를 고리대금의 늪으로 끌고 가는 것을 보게 될 것입니다. 그들은 고리대금업에 종사하지 않습니다. 세상에 혼돈, 전쟁, 학살이 있는 곳에 유대-시온주의 이익이 있다는 것을 아십시오. 친구와 적을 알아보세요. 나는 또한 미국을 포함한 세계의 모든 국가들이 그들의 지시에 따라 행동한다는 점에 주목하고 싶습니다. 하나님만을 믿는 모든 신자들은 예수님이 살아 계시며 십자가에 못 박히신 적이 없다는 것을 압니다. 무슬림과 비무슬림을 막론하고 전 세계가 예수 그리스도의 오심을 기다리고 있습니다. 유대인들은 예수님을 십자가에 못 박고자 했습니다. 당신을 하나님께 맡깁니다.

  7. Denne film er et produkt af menneskelig fantasi. Gud er unødvendig, der er ingen lige, han er hverken født eller ufødt. Filmen du ser er en vildledende film præsenteret for dig af jøderne, som gentagne gange dræbte profeterne. Godt omkring dig – du vil se zionisterne (jøderne) trække hele verden ind i sumpen af ​​åger. De er ikke engageret i åger.Hvor der er kaos, krig og massakre i verden, ved, at der er jødisk-zionistiske interesser. Lær din ven og fjende at kende. Jeg vil også gerne bemærke, at alle lande i verden, selv USA, handler efter deres diktater. Alle, der tror på Gud alene, ved, at Jesus er i live og aldrig er blevet korsfæstet. Hele verden – både muslimer og ikke-muslimer – venter på Jesu Kristi komme. Jøderne ønskede at korsfæste Jesus. Jeg overlader dig til Gud.

  8. Αυτή η ταινία είναι προϊόν ανθρώπινης φαντασίας. Ο Θεός είναι περιττός, δεν υπάρχει ίσος, δεν είναι ούτε γεννημένος ούτε αγέννητος. Η ταινία που παρακολουθείτε είναι μια παραπλανητική ταινία που σας παρουσιάζουν οι Εβραίοι που σκότωσαν επανειλημμένα τους προφήτες. Καλά γύρω σας – θα δείτε τους Σιωνιστές (Εβραίους) να σέρνουν όλο τον κόσμο στον βάλτο της τοκογλυφίας. Δεν ασχολούνται με τοκογλυφία.Όπου υπάρχει χάος, πόλεμος και σφαγή στον κόσμο, να ξέρετε ότι υπάρχουν εβραιοσιωνιστικά συμφέροντα. Γνωρίστε τον φίλο και τον εχθρό σας. Θα ήθελα επίσης να σημειώσω ότι όλες οι χώρες του κόσμου, ακόμη και οι ΗΠΑ, ενεργούν σύμφωνα με τις υπαγορεύσεις τους. Όλοι οι πιστοί στον Θεό και μόνο γνωρίζουν ότι ο Ιησούς είναι ζωντανός και δεν έχει σταυρωθεί ποτέ. Όλος ο κόσμος μουσουλμάνοι και μη περιμένει τον ερχομό του Ιησού Χριστού. Οι Εβραίοι ήθελαν να σταυρώσουν τον Ιησού. Σε εμπιστεύομαι στον Θεό.

  9. I have been a pastor since 1983 and I have a question for you about our Christian lifestyle. In the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, Luke uses the Feasts of Israel 7 times. That’s an average of one Feast of Israel every 4 chapters, and 6 of those Feasts he uses as Time Markers (Acts 2:1; 12:3-4; 20:6, 16; 27:9). A Time Marker is an event that everyone is familiar with, and so you can use it instead of speaking of the actual date. For instance, if I said I’ll meet you the day after Xmas, you’d know it’s Dec. 26th. I wouldn’t have to mention the date. Luke uses 6 Feasts of Israel like that to tell his Gentile friend Theophilus (Acts 1:1) WHEN Paul and others were at a particular place. How can Luke, a Gentile, use various Feasts of Israel as Time Markers when the Church teaches that Mosaic Law was invalidated for Christians at the death of Jesus? Luke wrote Acts, the only divinely inspired history of the Apostolic Church in 64 AD or 34 years AFTER the death and Resurrection of Jesus, and Luke never uses Roman dating. Luke is either diametrically going against the teaching of the Church, or the Church is wrong about Mosaic Law being invalidated at the Cross, for the Feasts of Israel are part of Mosaic Law (cf. Lev. 23).

    One example of the 6 Feasts Luke uses as Time Markers in Acts speaks of Paul and he staying at Philippi until AFTER the Feast of Unleavened Bread was over: “But we sailed away from Philippi after the Days of Unleavened Bread, and in five days joined them at Troas, where we stayed seven days” (Acts 20:6 NKJV). This strongly implies that they celebrated the Feast in Philippi and then left for Troas, but more importantly, how would Gentile Christian Theophilus know WHEN Luke sailed for Troas if Theophilus didn’t know WHEN the Feast of Unleavened Bread was? Do you know? Do you know when the other 5 Feasts of Israel in Acts that Luke uses as Time Marker are? Obviously, Gentile Christian Theophilus did.

    Living in the 21st century with Internet, iPhone and News from around the world you could look up when each Feast is, but do you even know what Feast Luke was speaking of when he writes of “the Fast” being over (Acts 27:9), and WHEN that is, without consulting a commentary or doing a Google search? You would if you celebrated the Feasts of Israel as Luke, Paul (1st Cor. 5:6-8) and all Christians did in the days of the Apostles.

    If my reasoning is flawed please correct me, but it appears that the Church falsely teaches against the Feasts of Israel, but instead keeps Feasts that are of pagan origin, which not only have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus of Nazareth, but aren’t even spoken of in the New Testament. This is confirmed by Church History, which reveals that all Gentile Christians were keeping the Feasts of Israel during the time of the Apostles. Acts reveals that Christians were walking out their faith in Jesus through the Feasts of Israel and subsequently, all the rules of Mosaic Law that applied to them, like Passover, the 7th day Sabbath and the Mosaic Dietary laws (see, A Snapshot of Church History and Mosaic Law at, and The Feasts of Israel and the Church and Law 102 at

    Not once does Luke, or anyone else in Scripture, even speak of keeping Sunday, Easter*1* or Xmas, and only one time does Luke refer to the first day of the week (commonly known as Sunday; Acts 20:7), which theologians now realize biblically begins on Saturday night, which is when the meeting in Acts 20:7 began, not Sunday morning. Luke, nor anyone else, ever speak of Sunday replacing the Sabbath or even Sunday as the “new day” for Christians, or even Sunday as “the Lord’s Day,” which is very strange, because the Apostle John, who writes of “the Lord’s Day” only once (Rev. 1:10), never equates it with “Sunday.”*2* We would expect this “change of Sabbath to Sunday that happened after the Cross,” to not only be mentioned in Acts, but actually to be held up and taught in many of the Letter of Paul and others, as the “new day for Christians,” but nothing of the sort is seen. The Apostle Paul though, speaks to his predominantly Gentile Corinthians of keeping the Feast of Unleavened Bread (1st Cor. 5:6-8; written 53 AD). The truth is that it wasn’t the Lord, through His inspired New Testament Scriptures who changed Sabbath to Sunday and Passover to Easter, and threw out Mosaic Law. It was Pope Sixtus in 120 AD (see Snapshot

    Christianity is conceptually as perverse as Judaism is. They both teach the traditions of men that nullify God’s Word. For instance, Christianity teaches that Christians can eat bacon and shrimp, but the Vision of Peter in Acts 10, when properly interpreted, doesn’t have anything to do with the eating of food (see Law 102 at, which deals with Peter’s Vision and also Jesus allegedly declaring “all foods clean” in Mark 7:19. See also Nailed to the Cross—Col. 2:13-17 at for what Paul meant when he wrote of something being nailed to the Cross and also his speaking of not letting anyone judge us in Feast, New Moon or Sabbaths; Col. 2:16).

    When I gave me life to Jesus in October 1975, I was looking for God and HIS Truth. Instead I found some heretical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church permeating Christianity, for Rome gave Sunday, Easter and Xmas and the eating of unclean animals, and a contempt for Mosaic Law to Christianity. At first I didn’t realize it was wrong, but after 8 years of walking with the Lord He began to teach me of His Days and His Ways. I hope that you are wanting His Truth more than Rome’s traditions that nullify God’s Word. My teaching goes against the Christian Tree of Tradition that forbids Mosaic Law as God’s lifestyle.

    I am not saying that you need Mosaic Law for salvation, but once saved does it matter if you sin? (Cf. Rom. 6:1-3f.) I hope you will not settle for walking out your faith in Jesus the Pope’s Way, as it is diametrically opposed to God’s Ways and Days, and it is sin against Jesus whom you love and want to obey.

    Disclaimer: I am not a 7th Day Adventist, nor a Hebrew Roots person, nor am I “One Law,” nor am I a Messianic Jew, all of whom hold heretical positions, some even to damnation (cf. 1st John 5:16-17). I am a Jewish Christian who walks out his faith in Jesus of Nazareth through all the laws/rules of Moses that apply to me, just as all the Apostles and Luke did, and just as you should.

    If you have any questions about our walking out our faith in Jesus through all the rules of Mosaic Law that apply to us, let me know, but only if you comprehend what I’ve just written, and perhaps read one or more of the articles I’ve provided for you. If you don’t comprehend my position then please do not respond to me, for if you do you will only give me your opinion on this issue of Christian lifestyle, no matter how many Scriptures you may present to support your position. As such, I will not respond because opinions not based on proper Scripture interpretation only tend to go round and round in circles, and I don’t think you want to do that. I know I don’t. I hope that you can hear the Voice of your Lord in what I’ve presented. Truly, He is coming to you through me.

    Blessings from Above,
    Avram Yehoshua
    Minister and Senior Elder
    Loving Jesus since 1975. Pastoring and teaching the Body of Christ the Lord’s Days and Ways since 1983. (Revised on Monday, May 30, 2022)

    1 Only the King James Version has “Easter” in Acts 12:4. All other Bibles have Passover, and rightfully so. The Greek Textus Receptus manuscript, which is the basis for the KJV, has Paska, which in English is Passover, not Easter. The KJV translators of Acts 12:4 were wrong. Easter and Passover are two different feasts at two different times of the year.

    2 Luke also uses the term “Sabbath” 8 times in Acts (13:14, 27, 42, 44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4), and it’s used in Col. 2:16 and Hebrews 4:9 (where the KJV and NKJV fail to correctly translate the Greek word Sabbatismos, but every other English Bible has “Sabbath rest;” not just “rest”). This reveals that Sunday had not yet replaced the Sabbath during the time of the Apostles. The Sabbath was actually kept by all Christians until Pope Sixtus changed it in 120 AD, or 90 years after the Resurrection. God did not institute Sunday as a replacement for the 7th day Sabbath (cf. Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 16:23f.; Mark 2:27-28). Also, the phrase “the Lord’s Day,” only appearing once in Scripture (Rev. 1:10) is never equated with Sunday or the first day of the week, even though the Apostle John wrote his Gospel about the same time as he wrote Revelation (95 AD). In his Gospel he speaks of Sunday as “the first day of the week,” but never as “the Lord’s Day.” It was Catholicism, around 150 AD, that interpreted “the Lord’s Day” as Sunday. It’s a Roman Catholic tradition that nullifies God’s Word. “The Lord’s Day” of Rev. 1:10 is the End Time “Day” or season of God’s Wrath upon the world and His redemption of Israel (both Jew and Gentile), which is what the entire Book of Revelation is about. On the other hand, Jesus is still “Lord of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5; cf. Mt. 12:8; Heb. 13:8).

  10. I have turned to Christ though I am worried about my family as they all say they are christians I am not sure they are saved and my mother doesn't come from Christian family.

  11. Lots of paganism, carved images, and etc in this movie. Can’t just talk about love without talking about the commandments. Yahushua isn’t coming back with “love” he’s coming back with a sword.

  12. Come? Repent to Holy Bible Rev.22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, LORD JESUS. THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS be with God's people.Amen." Prays Jesus Christ?


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