“You may have to stand alone,” but standing for Jesus Christ is worth it. Watch and share this 1969 message from Billy Graham …


  1. Yes truly his a servant of the most high God and you can see he preached with Holy Spirit in him yes their should be more preachers like him even his family still today never let that legacy go away

  2. 🔥 God will save the World because of The Small Minority that believes in Jesus, God, wholeheartedly. —— And this is why I’m not a follower of trends. – Let the world follow the world. – Let’s us all follow the Holy Scriptures word of God. #Trinity

  3. Did Billy loved Jesus enough to demonstrate it by keeping all of God's ten commamdment.
    Remember those who kept nne were told by Jesus that their worship was in vain..
    See Mathew 15:9..Mark 7:7.
    Or is he one of those who will be told on judgement morning…your worship was in vain.? ( God is no respector of persons)

  4. I was really blessed and touched by the word of that preached by Billy Graham. May God continue to bless and give divine power to preach His (God ) Gospel. By Tony Mowie and watching from Papua New Guinea ❤❤😂😂

  5. Jesus, is Awesome, Thank you Jesus, for your magnificent love, you can't be in defiance, stubborn, let's, come out of darkness, get away from evil, and walk into the light .of our Lord . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Jesus loves you, and so do I . Let's all raise our hands up to our lord .give your life to christ.😊

  6. My 17 year old grandson gave his life to Christ last night. He called at 10:13 telling he wanted to give his life to Jesus. I was blessed to be able to talk with him and leading him through prayer. PRAISE GOD!!

  7. Christ is faith.."The second coming of Faith" is Moses as good at both sides next time that was evil this time. 6 to another 6. Jesus is the laws of god that sinners return to. Everyone was deceived by the truth as a lie.

  8. Yes Jesus Christ the Rightful Messiah will come second time,because such a famous man of God and his mother were humiliated earlier. God will honor him now publicly. Those who insulted him are dead, but their descendants are alive. If they don't repent, they will suffer. God will take revenge. However Jesus Christ is not God, jews have correctly said that.But jews are wrong when they deny Messiahship of Jesus Christ. For jewish dishonour to a great Messiah like Jesus Christ,two thirds of Jews will perish in battle of Armageddon.please see Bible Zaccaria 13.8.


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