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  1. GLORY GLORY🙌🏾 I FELT 😳that message and I’m looking at this on my cellphone. Let your WILL be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN 🌟 this morning at 5:45am I was out power walking and right after my affirmations idk why but I simply said aloud GOD LET YOUR WILL BE DONE you are my redeemer my savior My GOD🙌🏾❤️🌟

  2. After listening to the message the churches in America, have no clue about what the Kingdom is about and are very comfortable with dead religious services. Thank you for this teaching.

  3. A Revelation from God

    The governor in a kingdom never comes from the colony he only comes from the kingdom. Do you know why? Because anyone from the colony can't change the colony. If the colony is to be transformed to become like the kingdom then no one in the colony can transform it because they don't know what the kingdom is like. That is why the governor has to be sent from the kingdom to the colony. That's why Christ say when I leave I will send you another comforter, He will guide you, teach you…

  4. this man is full of wisdom, knowledge everything, waaaat, my life has never been the same since i started hearing his preaching's, even in death he still inspires me. OMG Munroe u were straight from Heaven


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