The Rise of Wise Men – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. I honestly don't know if I am spiritually grown to that point, but I find myself crying and praying for the souls of the children living on the streets, under the bridges and in the slums. I pray God to build me spiritually, physically and Financially to raise kingdom armies from the street

  2. The words coming from this man of God are SPIRIT and LIFE…revealing ancient mystery and setting fire in the hearts of men🔥🔥🔥 the Spirit through him is changing life's…I know i will never be the same, God bless you, Apostle 🙏

  3. There are words in Greek that are translated power in English
    Exozia, dunamis, anachoza, eiken. There are ranges of power that describe ranges of power in spiritual realm. There is order and levels and rankings that reveal range of powers and line of authority– principalities, powers, thrones, rulers that man territories, areas, regions and areas of addiction, habit, patterns of behaviours and perversions. You need the power of a spirit to deliver you and bring you out from powers of addictions, habits, behaviours and perversions. These powers recruit men and reduce to messengers as harlots, fashion agents, perverters, smokers, armed robbers, thieves and agent of wickedness. These spirits compel you to do evil without resistance. Jesus comes with power to reshape ordinances of the spiritual realm. That's what you enjoy when you have new life in Christ and are delivered from the powers of evil and wickedness..
    When you come into a new region you are forced to obey ancient laws written as order for a territory

  4. Five protocols
    1. You must stand on the finished works of Christ – justification, you are credited with the life of the age come – eternal life, . You must pray the price for separation from men, self and noisy environment of sin.
    Sacrifice of praise and Thanksgiving
    The purposes of God should find expression in us and through us


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