The Rise and fall of the DCEU

The CBC is an online news outlet and community delivering the latest news, rumors, and details on all things Marvel Cinematic …


  1. Why is Warner Brothers continuing with the DCU and getting rid of the old actors they were perfect I don't understand Warner Brothers deciding to get rid of Zack Snyder's universe Even though it made lots of money it could easily continue the franchise James Gunn's DC seem to a Mess One day the Snyder verse Will return because I refuse to watch the batverse and DCU or the joker movies and DCU never fail

  2. Honestly i think the escalation problem helped hurt it because it kept going up and up without thinking of the smaller conflicts that made some of the greatest MCU stories.

    Honestly i do like some of the shows, stories and more but it hurt when some of the shows kept getting worse and worse.

  3. It's nice for someone like me to finally know the full story in regards to the DCEU and everything that went on, thank you Armin for making this video essay and much support from me and I hope you and your wife are having a good day😊💖🙏

  4. Man of steel was a good start off. It fell after BVS. Happy this universe is rebooting. I just hope these fans will learn to shut up that it’s rebooting, it’s for the best. I feel bad for the actors and all, but still needed to happen

  5. Man WB needs to stop ruining and messing with films they dont know how to work on them wanting to take out the no mans lands scene in wonder woman makes no sense because if they did remove it the movie would not get recieved that well and would not be good and would fail. They needed to reboot the whole dc movie universe

  6. Great video! You did your research and it shows well. I'd like to see WBD eventually make a documentary about the failed DCEU from start to finish with lot's of "never before seen" footage, production stills, & interviews.

  7. WB couldn’t decide on what they wanted and they turned down potential projects that could’ve made them a staple of comic book films like George Miller’s Justice League Mortal. Also getting and hiring the wrong people to do projects that didn’t make sense for the characters they were making movies about and hiring actors who didn’t fit their characters and ultimately ruined their run. Only getting short lived minimal successes like Aquaman and Wonder Woman and only achieving modest successes from then on and then bombed after bomb. It really didn’t help that people from Zack Snyder and David Ayer arrogantly thought they had a massive success and made fun of the competition only for that competition to kick their asses at the box office and Snyder making fun of the original source material and making fun fans of those source materials. The only success DC has had were movies that were not connected like The Batman and Joker never achieving the heights it was capable of and many hoped it could’ve reached.

  8. Nice to see a DCEU retrospective that doesn't white wash Zack Snyder's negative influence and reception in favor of pinning all the blame on WB. Don't get me wrong, WB definitively did horribly mismanage the DCEU and made a lot of mistakes. But that just begs the question, why did WB start screwing with everything? The answer is that Zack Snyder failed to deliver a strong and stable foundation to build the rest of the DCEU and the ground fell underneath WB's feet, sending them into a creative death spiral with no sense of direction or vision that eventually killed the franchise. Had a different director created a much more positive and warmly recieved inital start to the DCEU, like George Miller, WB would have never slammed their heads into the panic button and send the franchise into an early grave.

  9. These guys are blaming James Gunn for the failure of DC for getting rid of the DCEU. It’s not his fault. You guys have no one to blame but WB and yourselves. WB lost most of the fans because of how bad this universe was. And the Snyder fans have been boycotting because Snyder left and they thought boycotting would bring him back. It didn’t. And now thanks to those guys Gunn rebooting


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