Sermon Title: The Revelation of the Two Witnesses Series: About the Endtimes Preacher: Prophet Kobus van Rensburg A special …


  1. Jesus said the word I speak to you spirit and life and you cannot separate from the word to spirit or spirit from the word , then how can you say word and spirit are the two witnesses!

  2. Finally I got the answers about the two witnesses, thank you so much for the message, thank you Kobus sir, thank you thank you, wow it's amazing it's the truth which God has relieved through you for us, 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🧏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. You are terribly mistaken .
    The "two witnesses" are the "Two Olive Trees" are the "Two Anointed Ones" are the Two MESSIAHS ….
    "son of Joseph" and "son of David"…..
    The coming "son of man" is King David…….as Jesus said, and as ALL the prophets say .

    "The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Lord (Jesus) and of His MESSIAH ( David ),
    and he (David) will reign from the Age of the Ages. " ( Revelation 11:15 )

    "Blessed is he (David) who comes in the name (Authority) of the Lord (Jesus) . "


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