The Revelation of Jesus – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. Anyone who receives Jesus has received the ability of God inside him. As he is now are we. We need clear revelation of God that we embody God, we carry God inside of us and can manifest his creative and animative power of God in us ,. Nothing on earth should defeat us because we carry enabling power in us. When read or hear his word we are eating his body that gives us enablement to succeed and win. He is the bread of life, as we eat him we are enabled, we receive an advantage that ensures we are ahead. How much of him do you have and posses , that's your enabling advantage.if that same spirit that raised Jesus dwells in you, you are enable to fly, win, get promoted and succeed.

  2. The fullness of God is in me, he is my light, my enabler. The secrets of God are in our tabernacle and we walk in his light. The illumination of Christ gives us light, strength, victory and success. The light we carry makes the charm powerless, it neutralizes it.


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