The Reign of an Evil Sweet Music ( A Pastor Chris Expository)

In this video we feature Pastor Chris Oyakhilome in a Short Critical Analysis of Non Christian Music & its effects in this Age God …


  1. I’ve been saying it oooo,some of gospel singers are bringing thoz circular dances in church and they say it is sanctified bcz it’s done inside the church πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈlike how?everything starts from the mind and the intention….and God sees through them.May The Lord help usπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  2. Why is Pastor Chris just saying this now? Did he just wake up to know that those type of music are demonic? What was he thinking when he was sponsoring funny music in the church? Is he just waking up to know that when you give an inch to the devil, devil will end up taking 10-kilometers. Pastor Chris should learn to be consistent in matters of the kingdom. He can't be here today and be somewhere else tomorrow. He should be consistent!

    Revelation 2:14, 20 (KJV)
    14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
    20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

  4. Hello Children of God,

    I have left a few comments in response to some people.
    I thought to leave a comment
    for those who truly believe in God.

    If you are trying to ascertain whether or not you should believe the man of God, or adjust your life on the basis of this video you watched.

    1. Pray, ask the Lord for guidance, for confirmation, God wants us to live right, HE will respond to you.
    Prayer guide: Lord this video I watched is Pastor Chris correct?

    2. Be wary of those who are opposing this message.

    Children of Satan: whose sole agenda is to spread lies ,doubt and accuse the brethren.

    Self righteous Christians: those who have never won a soul, don't like the man of God Pastor Chris and think this message is too "holy" to be coming from him.

    "Woke" Christians/ Lukewarm Christians: Those who don't have any depth of fellowship with the Lord but want to have the loudest opinions about Christianity and in so doing they are working against the kingdom of God without intending to do so, because they love the world and its fleshly desires, yet they also want to be godly, so they will attack anything that challenges that lifestyle.

    Clueless people: There are not Christians, not satanists, just living their lives on vibes, and they think they have what it takes to tell the children of God how to worship God.


  5. Same in Europe. They want to be relevant to the world. It is sad and almost no one speaking out. Thx sir. The Lord Jesus Christ keep and guide you. Love from Belgium ❀

  6. We all know that music was invented to praise God, and the devil stole it and acting like irs for the world. African music that are played in festival and caused women to move their pelvic in my opinion is bad. May God help us. People are coming to church with their mess, and pastors are welcoming it because they want the numbers. These musicians must be disciplined about the music they play in church. We are conforming to the world.

  7. God is really long-suffering because we have gone mad. Apostacy is rampant. When you speak against it in your churches, you, get castigated. Can you imagine. As long as you go to church, do the chores assigned to you, pay your tithes, look prosperous, and you are fine. There is no accountability, no holy living, let's just all get along and God is glorified, the devil is a liar. God does not accept unholiness. Sinners come to church with an expectation of getting saved, today people frequent church for other reasons, and are very blatant with their agendas. But, judgement will begin at the house of God. Many will be disgraced right in the church. We have played with God long enough. Many have gotten rotten rich out of church. No wonder, paper money is going out of circulation, and no wonder, Capitalism is fading away, it generates too much greed.
    When I look at churches all over the world and especially in America and Africa and even Europe, there could have been many Christian school where our children could be taught the word of God as a subject like Math, Science, and English.
    All those churches could have pull their resources together to build school, so that our children would have bern better equipped to counter the devices of the devil.
    Some churches have built school, but church members children cannot afford to attend. I am talking about free education for Christian children.
    According to Judges chapter 2, After Joshua died, and the generation after him, there rose another generation that did not know the Lord. Why? Because the generation after Joshua were like us today, they did a lousy job. They never cared about their posterity. They were busy with making money and not disciples. They worshipped idols and not God. They thought they had arrived and didnt need God. They had this great need to fit in with the world. We cannot make it without God, so we better buckle ip our shoes and run back home to God. Prestige, fame, and titles will not save us, we need to become servants and serve God's people. We are accountable. Our lawyers cannot defend us before God. Wake up church leaders, repent and return from whence you have fallen and do your work over again, so God can be pleased with you. We are partly responsible for the breakdown of church standards. We are hypocrites. We are for sale. Look at Daniel, and the other three Hebrew boys, they kept their integrity; they refused to bow.

  8. From describe the correlation between 5G and Coronavirus as part of the Antichrist’s Plan for a New World Order, which includes one-world government, one world religion, and one world economy to (satanic music ) . The existance of music is over 60 000 years ago . read more the origins and evolution of music, or on the psychology of music, it will help People understand indivitual character behind every music. Africa with religion πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. This man is false for calling Bob Marley songs evil… What about him who show's CNN news on Sunday service instead of teaching the word… Pastor Chris is blind spiritually Yes I said it… he only came as a pastor to watch and judge another people which I'm the site of the lord is a heavy sin he doesn't know the spirit world but if he ever did.. with the words he said about reggae music I think he has lost it followers becareful so you don't perish with your Shepard…

  10. You don’t joke with music! Never!! Ever!!!

    I do warn members of my youth choir group of dangers they are exposed to as music ministers. Only few of them comprehend. Such.A.Shame


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