Abortion is deeply tangled up in politics, personal beliefs, and individual experience. But the key is to have every conversation, …


  1. I do have genuine questions on abortion, not to judge nor attack anyone, but as an attempt to educate myself. I'm  aware that to have an abortion must be a very difficult decision and that the decision maker, might unintentionally not be viewing abortion, from all angles (with all its implications). These questions are the result of me discerning on the topic and having these data gaps as a result.

    I am solely attempting to educate myself, understand better all perspectives and reach a common ground-one.

    1) In order to reach a truly objective point of view (on any topic), isn't it not only valid, but necessary, to analyze such in terms of all the parties involved? In the case of abortion, is it valid to ask not only questions on how the parents are affected by it, but also how the conceived being is affected as well?

    2) Religion aside, is there any SCIENTIFIC evidence, that human life does NOT begin at conception?
    Is there any other phenomena during pregnancy, that is MORE prominent than conception (to the point in which such event could be considered the actual beginning of human life, instead of conception)?

    3) If anticipating a challenging life for the child justifies the abortion,  does that mean that poverty and adverse life conditions, are reasons for people's lives to be ended? If I assume that your life will be difficult, does that give me the right to decide whether you get to live or not? Does that give me the right to decide over your life? Is ending your life because I am assuming that it will be difficult, fair to you? Wouldn't I be eliminating all possibility for you to build YOUR life and overcome adversity, by cutting it and taking it away from you right from the beginning? Isn't that a much bigger abuse over another human being (ending its life), than any other type of abuse he/she could go through in life?

    4) Why should standing up against an alleged abuse towards someone (i.e. the human being whose life is being ended through an abortion), mean that those standing up are obliged to financially support the alleged victim of abuse? If my neighbor abuses his child and I report such abuse to authorities (as an attempt to stop it), does that mean that I am obliged to adopt my neighbor's child and financially take care of him? How is opposing abortion linked, to having to become financially responsible for those whose lives are ended through abortion? Does that mean that, if I witness someone being abused in anyway, my moral responsibility does not end at denouncing the abuse to authorities, but I am also morally obliged to embrace full financial responsibility, for that abused someone?

    5) If I claim that those against abortion are wanting to decide over my body, isn't exactly that what I'm doing, if I get an abortion? By ending the human life growing inside of me, ain't I deciding over another human body as well (the one growing in my womb)? Am I not doing the same thing, that I claim those against abortion are doing to me (choosing over someone else's body)? Am I not doing an actual worse thing than "choosing over someone else's body" by getting an abortion, since through the abortion I'm actually choosing over someone else's LIFE?  If so, isn't a double standard to claim that others want to decide over my body (by not supporting abortion), when that's exactly what I'm doing to the human being growing inside of me (deciding over another human life)?

    Complementing above, many pro-abortion people have used the "right to bodily autonomy", as their main argument. My logic makes me ask: Is "bodily autonomy" a more important right, than the right to life itself?  Whichever damage or inconvenience your body suffers due to pregnancy, will last 9 months (or a little longer with post-labor recovery), but you will most likely recover most of that bodily autonomy, after giving birth. On the other hand, ending your life (which is what's done to the baby), is irreversible, there is no going back and the damage to the human killed, is perpetual. Also, isn't LIFE indispensably needed in the very first place, before any other type of right? If you have a combo of "life with rights"…and you take the "rights" element, life itself can still exist. This does not happen the other way around. If you take the "life" element out of the "life with rights" combo, rights can not continue existing without a life. Therefore, life on its own, DOES come above any other right. This is why, the violation made to the newly alive being, is more aggravating (ending its LIFE) than the violation of "bodily autonomy" made to the mother, by the NATURAL phenomena of pregnancy. Whichever inconvenience suffered by the mother due to pregnancy ("bodily autonomy"), does not reach the same level of aggravation, as that of the violation committed against the newly alive being (ending its LIFE), in order to justify such life being exterminated. Or does it? How?

    Again, I am verbalizing my discerning process and resulting doubts on abortion, solely to try to educate myself, understand better all perspectives and reach a common ground-one.

  2. Why do we allow brain dead to die? Why do we turn off their machine that keep them alive? Because the consciousness is no longer there. The conscious entity that inhabits the body is not there anymore. If there's no consciousness, there's no duty to mantain life. Science has evidence that the fetus has no consciousness before 25 weeks. Parallel to the brain dead, the consciousness of the fetus hasn't still "entered" the body. If there's no consciousness inside of a early fetus, the fetus can be left to die or removed before the emergence of consciousness. We have no duty to create new consciousness as we have no duty to create new life.

  3. I think that people should learn more about preservation before they have sex. Education is very important and with better education, we won't talk about these questions about making abortion illegal or is abortion murder…

  4. Abortion is a human right and should be legal. However the woman and the partner she had sex with should face consequences. I talk about serious consequences like court ordered community service. Let the people know that committing abortion will put them in place of punishment. It will definitely give results after some time. People wont have unprotected sex and might use their brain before engaging in unnecessary sex.

  5. If you are thinking about aborting your baby just know that it is murder in the eyes of the Lord. You should use an alternative like putting your baby up for adoption. There are many people who need children and will take care of your unwanted baby.

    Jesus offers salvation, peace, and hope to all who call on him. If you have heavy burdens, Jesus will carry them for you. No matter the pain and suffering you have been through in life, trust in Jesus for a brighter tomorrow. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

  6. Having an abortion can go two ways, if you are an only born child, you will be held responsible for cutting off and possibly ending the family bloodline (if you don't adopt). Now, its a different story if you have sibilings, its a 50/50 chance of them getting an abortion.

  7. Everyone is assured a right to autonomy by our constitution. In the case of pregnancy, what decisions are made over a woman’s body are to be entirely left to her, as that fetus occupies her body, and is under her jurisdiction. By limiting a woman’s right to chose you are infringing on her right to bodily autonomy, not only is it immoral but it is literally unconstitutional. The life of a woman need always be considered over the existence of any potential life, even if they are equal that body is still her own regardless of what is living inside her and she should have the same right as everyone else to make decisions over herself. To allow others to make decisions for a person in place of that individual does not align with our constitution’s assurance of every individual’s right to bodily autonomy. Laws prohibiting, and or limiting abortion are sexist and do not consider the cost women are made to pay as a consequence of the existence of such legislation; as well, they put the mental and physical health of women in jeopardy by stripping women of their god given right to freedom over their own body.

    Also the video was wrong when they said that thousands of people hadn’t died of unsafe abortions before roe vs wade. Today, over 68,000 women annually are left dead as a result of unsafe abortions. A number which increases when access to safe and affordable abortions are challenged. No roe vs wade didn’t eradicate death by unsafe abortions, nothing likely ever will until safe abortions are made accessible to all, but that is irrelevant. What roe vs wade did was not only open up a discussion about abortion, but also gave women a safe and legal option with which to chose. It was monumental that abortion was legalized, as such a decision was another step towards establishing that a woman’s right to autonomy has a place in our laws. Though, we have a long way to go.

  8. Now those of you considering terminating a planned pregnancy just because your son or daughter is going to have Down syndrome
    I have a question for you
    Have you ever thought of something other than yourself was there ever a time in your life you have thought of somebody other than yourself now does Every single little thing just go your way and it has even been that way your whole entire life or does everyone in the world just say there she is they she is I’m gonna give her this winning lottery ticket Because the world obviously revolves around this woman
    does President Biden change plans for the whole entire country just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or just because you had a bad dream last night and that’s why you such a selfish brat such a failure as a human being do you have an idea of how many people there are would love to have a child more than anything in the world and then when you get one you’ll like this isn’t the child I wanted then you are just going to throw it away like it’s a piece of garbage. Like a gift means nothing to you know you could at least post a Video on YouTube asking if there was anybody is willing to except a child with Down syndrome there are couples out there that cannot have children They are gay couples out there that want to adopt and they will except any child they can get. Naw a gift from God may not mean anything to you but a gift from God sure is hell would mean something to a lot of other people

  9. If you intentionally get pregnant then decide to terminate your pregnancy
    in the 2nd to 3rd trimester just because you found out your baby was going to have Down syndrome this is not an abortion this is killing a baby now if you have terminated a planned pregnancy just because you found out your baby was going to have Down syndrome then you are a failure as a human being and you are a failure as a mother you should be more thankful for what you get you know there are people out there that hardly ever get there way Enough as it is that want to have a child more then anything in the world but when you have a baby your like ow it has Down syndrome then kill it throw it away like it’s garbage like it’s trash you know your failure of a human being and I hope you are ashamed of yourself for what you did because you are a failure as a human being and you are most definitely a failure as a mother yes you are a failure as a human being and a failure as a mother that’s what you are now if having a child with Down syndrome such a big crisis for you then you should just go head and get your tubes tide I thank almighty God every day that you are not my mother because who would want you as mother who would want to be the son or daughter of a failure I would rather die of covid then to have you as my mother.
    Bride of Freddy Krueger those of you that terminated an planned pregnancy just because your son or daughter was going to have Down syndrome
    I have a question for you what would you do If you came home to See your husband Freddy Krueger Laying in bed with mary shaw and Freddy Krueger was making love to Mary Shaw instead of you

  10. Search for "dating single mother" and scroll down to the comment section. You'll see why you ought to have a choice and not be toyed with your emotions by other people's philosophical views on the issue. It's ultimately your decision to do one or the other. Do some introspection. Find out where you stand philosophically. You have the right to arrive at your own conclusions without feeling guilty about it.

  11. depends on someones morals really, all science could point to that a fetus isnt conscious or it doesnt feel pain or that its not really alive etc but still people will think its wrong regardless of how developed the fetus is.

  12. A nice video, but it would be ten times better with cited sources for the important statements and statistics, either in the video or in the text below the video. There is so much information that merely saying that so and so is true no longer cuts it. Having said that, I recognize the Christian Science Monitor as a fairly reliable source. I recognize that even though I am not religious.

  13. Guys, is 2022. Why don’t we find better things to debate and fight for??? This is literally a simple useful resource for people in need, could be any case. You name it, if a mother is not ready to have a baby, let her not have the baby, wether she got raped, or a 14 year old that don’t want to drop out of high school to take care of a child. It doesn’t matter, your own beliefs matter only to you and your family.
    Believe me no one else in the world cares if you like people aborting or not, and even if they did, you’re not gonna help at all on ANYTHING all you’re gonna do is give your unwanted opinion, and protest on banning a resource needed SPECIALLY nowadays.

  14. Good video, but didn't explain the stance of conservatives on Anti-abortion.

    What percentage of women vote for Anti-abortion.

    Or is it just an issue of social perception?

    Still why have many big American shots have refrained from granting this right??

    I wish if this video had answered that

  15. 100 years ago slavery was accepted slavery was encouraged and slavery was defended.

    Now abortion is accepted abortion was encouraged and abortion is defended.

    100 years in the future and people will be disgusted of the dozens and millions of babies that we killed.

  16. In the beginning you talk about how people that are comfortable talking about abortion are extreme and they are extreme because this matter is extreme killing innocent children is extreme


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