1. I’m very pale which lotsa ppl migh5 think is ok, but I live in an Asian country and everyone stares at m3 and makes comments about me. I always stand out in th3 crowd and always am judged, no matter where i am. I can understand the languages that the country I live in has, and lotsa ppl assume I can’t understand them, but I can, and teh stuff they say is so hurtful. Things like there is the rude white girl, she’s fat. In thsi culture, it’s ok for the people from there to bodyshame foreigners, and I am very sensitive about my weight and body image, and I get so man6 comments on m6 weight, like, you so fat, and people squeezing m6 bell6 fat and my cheeks and patting my belly as well. I hate it there because of this. I also get glares whenever I even mess up, I hav to be perfect, and I wish I could just die sometimes. My only escape is sleep.

  2. Yes this is exactly howw being a girl is unknown messages or even calls trying to go to the bathroom in class or school like we need to go bc of our periods like we have to like parents we try to get something then they cath us so we just say were getting a drink and gets on an goes back into our rooms and we look at models on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, or anywhere or anything else and it makes us not eat or days,weeks, and months because if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend they could be toxic so we could be crying for days in our room and doors locked and siblings care but they just dont show it

  3. Once when I was 8, I made a little YouTube channel. I made little animations on it. On my second video, some guy posted a link that was mildly creepy, and it happened again on another video, and I was traumatized after.


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