The Protocol of Shining – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. God bless you Pastor Sir for the greater works, allowing yourself to be used by God to raise soldiers to be also used by God. God will always keep you under His mighty hand. I love you Pastor Sir.

  2. God needs men, men, governments and ground need men – men with capacity, influence, anointing, power, connected. We need men to sustain the work of God and partner with God for men to march and move. Men must Arise and shine. There is a price to pay for men to arise and shine. 😮😊🎉

  3. Arise and shine is a call to discernment to know how your seasons work – season for work, study, fast, school and hear from God. There are times when sleeping is wrong, when traveling is unnecessary, when sitting is a sin. Every season places a responsibility on you. Seasons come with burdens to position you strategically. There are burdens that will fall on you to pray, read, stay awake, travel, study, see things…,
    Warfare is another sign of approaching season. You will engage in strange warfare. Stars of men are known and seen in strange places. Witches and wizards see and read stars of men. Battles are indicators of approaching season. Don't fight small battles of jealousy, envy, hatred etc. Your battles speak louder. They can come as distraction, confirmation and indicators that your light has come for you to rise and shine.

  4. Apart from burdens and battles, seasons bring encounters – encounters with strange beings, princes, angels and spirits. Mary had encounter. Encounters should stir you up to be sensitive to the demands of those encounters. Elizabeth had her encounter. God can awake your past aborted encounters. You need to encubate your dreams and burdens. When you enter your season you can rest. Recall what dreams and burdens you have had but you did nothing with and pray for rebirth.

  5. The way 5o arise is to consecrate yourself towards the way God is leading you. Pay the price and qualify. Don't use sentiments. Be the best. Refuse and reject sin. Your weakness should not be overlooked. Deal with you. Shun sin. Joseph refused to sin with his master's wife. That would have buried his destiny. Seasons of sinning will abort your destiny. Sinning and repenting will make you a child in the kingdom. God will forgive you because it is his nature to forgive but you may not rise unless you take consecration seriously.
    Master how to stir yourself up. You need to perform at your best. There are people you need to run away from to remain motivated and stirred up. David gave two testimonies to Saul: I have killed lion and bear, again I am circumcised and this giant is not so God will back me up because I am a child of covenant. David knew the armours he was carrying, the name of the Lord


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