The problem with Christian media || Our favorite Christian movies (ft. Footless Jo!)

As a Christian, there are some very frustrating aspects of Christian media I want to talk about; from the same-ness of music, to the …


  1. As a Christian, I have been wronged and abused by other Christians. And yes, there were times I did question about my beliefs. However, I do believe that Christianity is not suppose to be about the people of church, it is about what Christ has done. Mankind, even the most devout Christians is going to disappoint you.
    Psalms 118:8 (KJV) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

    And yes, a lot of the Christian movies are really low effort and the music are super repetitive. It feels like a chore to experience them. I know they can do more than that, but I don't know why they hold back. And I love creativity.

  2. I used to be a hardcore Christian but nowadays I can't really bring myself to go to Church. It isn't just the pandemic, but that certainly helped. I want to believe, but so many aspects, at least of the Churches I used to go to, seemed like a cult more than I feel comfortable with. Family members treated the Church as number one, which is fine I suppose, but they did it at the expense of their family. Simply neglecting all of us to go to every single service every single day. Lying about their pasts and their children to seem more virtuous in the eyes of the Church, and things of the like. Besides all that, I simply don't like the idea of a reward system for life. I want good things to matter because they help someone else, not because they save me from eternal suffering after I die. I don't know, it just makes so many things seem disingenuous when everything a hardcore Christian does that's good is so they'll be allowed into heaven. All of this said I don't have a problem with anyone who's a hardcore Christian, or even just a passive church-goer. I've just had my faith eroded over the years. Maybe someday I'll get it back.

  3. I grew up hard core conservative Christian. I grew up on dc Talk, Newsboys, Audio Adrenaline, Supertones, etc. Christian music peaked in the 90s. After the 90s, Chrisitian music stalled out and everyone copied the worship music style, which isn't terrible, but everything sounded like everything else.

    I was very critical of Christian media, and I used the exact same line "followers of God should be the most creative!"

    If I had to choose a favorite Christian movie, I guess I'd go with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It's just a fantastic story.

    Over the past decade (my 30s, fyi, I'm turning 40 next month), I've stayed a part of the mainstream evangelical church, but have become pretty disillusioned with it. I hold onto the love of Jesus, and try and ignore the conservative politics some seem to make part of their faith. My faith has actually turned my political views pretty liberal, as I've turned my focus on helping others, rather than hunkering down and "protecting" myself.

  4. Thank you for sharing so much of your faith. I am new to your channel and share a very similar background with my faith in Christianity. There were points in my life I questioned my faith but I am now very happy to say my faith in god has never been stronger. The Church and the men who run them on the other hand are another story. Much like you I love movies, games and comics. I’ve been a nerd my whole life. I’ve also never felt the need to judge a person by their beliefs, sexuality or the color of their skin which seems to bother some people of faith now a days. I just wanted to say thank you. You’re page really seems like a fun community of good hearted people with open minds who share the love of this type of culture.

  5. Christian themed films:

    Dark House
    The Witch
    I Will Follow You Into the Dark
    The Presence
    The Exorcism of Emily Rose
    First Reformed
    Faith in Destiny
    The Frame

  6. Right! The less I know! Two years ago I was reading Ezekiel and God says he is the one who inspired sacrifices to Moloch so that his people would then become horrified at themselves and turn back to him. I stopped reading my Bible, except for the Psalms, for a year. It took me that long to process those frightening verses.

  7. More Christian-themed movies well worth the watch for excellence in film making:

    The Hiding Place
    The Cross & the Switchblade
    The Rite
    The Wicker Man (original)
    Teeth (strong language, nudity, and harsh theme–but well worth the view for satire of everything y'all are saying about American Christians)

  8. The way to win an argument isn’t to argue, it’s to appeal, and most people don’t realize this. You can’t say, “if you don’t follow jesus you’ll go to hell!” nobody will listen to you. If you appeal to them in a kind, friendly, and christlike way you will find much better results.

  9. The LGBT community touts that if you have a problem with homosexuality, you must be secretly homosexual. You often hear that people hate things that remind them of "negative" parts of themselves. That's why Christians feel that atheists secretly believe in God. It's the same philosophy the LGBT community champions but no one questions them.

  10. I found your channel because of your Star Wars content but looking through you videos found this one and I have to say it's one of the most relatable views on Christianity and the church that I've come across. I appreciate your content and views, it definitely is a bold and brave thing to take a stand like this and I respect that quite a bit.

  11. Hacksaw Ridge is one of my favorite movies of all time. Also, really great to see that others think like me. I am a Christian, but really disagree with the way Christians as a whole have presented themselves in America.

  12. Even though I genuinely like this video and am incredibly impressed by both of you (and have been for awhile) this was the thing that solifinally got me to understand one of my main problem with Christianity,

    It’s a religion for oppressed people that has an entire legacy of oppressor wealth and imperialism behind it. The first slave ship was named ‘Jesus’ and while I think we can all agree that that atrocity is about as anti Christian as it gets a whole group of people cut of from their gods only had The Bible::.and no alternatives and a direct parallel in Moses for their situation.

    Holden’s comment ‘I find Christian themes in everything and maybe that’s because God is universal’ was the only thing he has ever said that’s actually kinda annoyed me.and I love Holden. We’re trained to find Christian images even if we don’t believe because we live in America and carry America (and Britain…and Rome’s legacy).

    That said this made me think. I definitely need to see Silence. And I’m interested to see what ya’ll would think about ‘Saved!’(which is a very Christian movie that Christians hate) or HBO’s version of His Dark Materials (which was supposed to be an atheist retelling of the books but I have my doubts.)

  13. I am a born again Christian myself. And I agree that Christian media is very problematic. I do not like a lot of Christian films. Secular filmmakers have made better Christian films. Look at Prince of Egypt. Made by a secular studio but was very powerful. I'm a film buff. Some Christians will question my film choices but I treat film as an art form. Yes, I do have limits with certain content. But overall, I love movies.

  14. You should watch Gods not Dead 3. The only movie that is not a propaganda. It even questioned the morality of the first 2 movies. Heck its the most good reviewed(in non Christian community.) Sad that in the franchise it had the less box office hit but its one of good character driven, less preachy and decent Christian movie.

  15. These movies are about self-recognition when your christian faith is shallow and you have to reassure who you are, and that's so lame. I rather watch "The Book of Eli" or something like this than this propaganda thing. And I even can't stand "90 Minutes in Heaven". Why is he so pissed to have a second chance and do things right? He seems like Job, someone righteous and God-fearing, but still needed to have his humanity worked out. The problem is also not how "conservative christians" are "politically correct" or religious, because we can find morons everywhere. Like, I'm chirstian and also conservative, but I'm not that legalist guy, but I also am against what is propagated in the mainstream and liberal agendas as well. for me, reality and fellowship with the Lord counts better than how much do you spend on church on weekend. But the most important thing is to strengthen our faith, read more the Bible and have a true fellowship and relationship with the Lord.

  16. While aimed more to Catholicism this movie actually makes perfect arguments for faith over doctrine and that’s Dogma. Yes bad language, yes rubber poop monster but it’s meaning and it’s core can be used for the majority of faith groups. And it really helps with relating to both God & Jesus.

    Also the Preacher Wife, it’s one of my Christmas movies

  17. 0:58 I just stumbled upon your (older) videos about Christianity and art, and I have to say I really appreciate them. I feel being “in the middle” though. I’m definitely a Christian, but have my criticisms of the church (Christians at large) and I wouldn’t consider myself conservative, but I’m too religious to be “woke” or liberal. It’s good to know that other Christians involved in art who feel the same way yet are unashamed of and are able to defend their beliefs are out there

  18. If you “don’t know” whether you are a christian, as Footless Joe professes, then you aren’t a Christian. So interesting that these would be Christian’s recognize that they were “programmed” (aka brainwashed) from an early age but still fail to question the core belief system.


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