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The Most Important Person On Earth Volume 1 Titles:
Disc 1 – The Power of Understanding
Disc 2 – Understanding The Governor of The Kingdom Part 1
Disc 3 – Understanding The Governor of The Kingdom Part 2

In this series, Dr. Myles Munroe explains how the Holy Spirit is the Governor of God’s Kingdom on earth; much as royal governors administered the will of earthly kings in their territories. Under the guidance and enabling of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth.

#drmylesmunroe #mylesmunroe


  1. All I could say it's thank you Jesus for allowing me to discovered this beautiful soul. May our father in Heaven receive him, his wife and all the people who died with him in His Glorious Kingdom. Amen. Since I started watching him, frankly my perception of the world has completely changed. I have gained more knowledge and wisdom than before through his teaching. Thank you so much Dr. Myles Munroe for your incredible teaching. God has already received you in His kingdom has you have tremendously changed the lives of millions of people around the world through your teaching.

  2. You may be gone Dr. Myles but all your preachings/teachings have great impacts in our lives. I've heard a lot of teachings and preaching from different Pastors but your teachings are quite different and makes sense about Kingdoms, about God's purpose in our lives, about rediscovering kingdom, about true leadership, etc. Thank you Lord for the life of Dr. Myles when he was on earth. His teachings still remains and touching lives. Thank you ABBA, LORD JESUS AND HOLY SPIRIT FOR ALWAYS BEING WITH US, GUIDING US, PROTECTING US, LOVING US, PROVIDING OUR NEEDS AND FOR HEALING US! ???❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thank you Father for my robe of righteousness you have clothed Me with Your Glory thank you Father for the sandals that you have placed upon my feet giving me the right stand before you thank you Father for the ring that you have placed upon my hand I received my inheritance possess my possessions thank you father for the fatted calf Let us make music and dancing for the sacrifice is accepted

  4. Thank God for his teachings and MOREOVER, every time I listen those..on every time, and weeks over and over again. Thank U more over to stimulate the body of Christ, in this time of Covi 19 at Home church ..THANKS

  5. If colonizers are so powerful, how do we know what is written in the Bible was not twisted to suit them … also there's Hebrew culture in Bible.. I love this point that sob of God didn't come to start another religion,,, then it's clearly Romans started Christianity to control and conquer

  6. I don't get tired of listening to this great man of God. I sometimes pause the video just to make sure I heard him correctly. The excitement gets me jumping up and down my living room and exclaiming like something has gotten into me. Thank you Father for the life of Myles Munroe and the team that is still working to ensure that this message is still reaching the ends of the Earth. Father I pray that you continue to raise men and women of faith that will continue to expand your Kingdom. All power and majesty belongs to you now and forever. Amen

  7. Why are you calling him DR when he got a message about Titles didn't want no title now that he's dead you [lacing title on him I don't think he would very happy if he would be watching you so get that title away from him


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