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This Teaching is part of the 3-volume series titled The Power of Planning & Change.

The Power of Planning & Change Volume 1 Titles:

Disc 1: The Power of Planning and Change Part 1
Disc 2: The Power of Planning and Change Part 2
Disc 3: The Power of Planning and Change Part 3
Disc 4: The Seven Principles For Planning Change Part 1

In this 3 volume series, Dr. Myles Munroe details the importance of setting personal time aside to plan; writing down your plans for the next 12 months or even the next 12 years. Everyone will experience a change in some aspects of their life and the best way to adapt to these changes is to purposely plan for them.

#mylesmunroe #drmylesmunroe


  1. What a perfect divine timing, listening to this message right at the center of my reflection Jan 20 2022. Indeed the holy spirit knows my end from my beginning. I feel divinely connected, and for that, I am very thankful. Thank you Jesus ? ?

  2. Listening to this February 4th 2022. Amazing inspiration! Inspiration = MOTIVATION = EXHILARATION, Diligence, Faithfulness, commitment to the vision and EXPECTANCY! Proverbs 18:16. Obey Father God in His Desire in you. His Giftings, Talents, Abilities in you, WAITING to be expressed and BIRTHED through the only one carrying Purpose and CALLING- you….. Leave the results to the Only one who "opens doors no man can shut and shuts doors that no one can open". Him??! Your DESTINY is hanging in the balance. The Time to ACT is NOW . You don't want to miss your Season for Divine Appointments that will yield a Harvest of FAVOR, productivity, fruitfulness and Blessings imaginable! Because The Lord God Almighty is behind you 100%. " …Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be ADDED unto you. " "ALL things ARE possible WITH God". ??????


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