The Power and Importance of…READING! | Luke Bakic | TEDxYouth@TBSWarsaw

Why reading is so important in today’s society – a 9 year old’s perspective Luke is passionate about reading and believes the …


  1. Great perssuators ( grammar here) can make horrible liders and dictators. …the power of reading is so high,you should read moral laws along with the rest…to.make a better word

  2. What an incredible speech! This means a lot to my children, and I will definitely share this video with my kids. Perhaps, this will be able to motivate and encourage them to read books instead of spending so much time on screens only playing games or utilizing social media. Thank you so much. You're such an awesome young man. I really appreciate it. Good work! Keep it up!

  3. This kid said that we need to draw attention to the problem that some kids spend up to 6.5 hrs looking at a screen. Yet, he's so smart that he'll probably end up with a dual degree in electrical engineering and computer science, and he'll go on become a future billionaire by creating another social media platform or video game that will cause people to become even more addicted to their electronic devices.

  4. Can we get some background into this child's life? Not trying to be a Debbie Downer of sorts, but more like a realist. Hmmm, well dressed, well groomed, may be from at least a middle income family if not higher. Parents might be of higher education and have engrained these values and philosophy into this young one. What I am getting at is this. Yes, I agree that reading is of a great importance, and yes everything he said in this TED Talk is true, but, why then is there so much illiteracy in this country of both the young and older population? Social economics, money spent or lack thereof on the education system in this country, parental lack of getting involved in their child's education at home, beyond the classroom. Society is more consumed with civil liberties like the right to carry a gun, not wear a mask and being PC, then the real issues in this country. Why? Simple, most people do not care to read anymore. With technology, why do so? We can hear books on cd, watch the movie instead of reading the book, many kids rather be you tubers or gamers then well read and that goes for their parents and adults in their lives as well, oh and lets not forget just getting bits and pieces from the mass social and tech media instead of the whole story that may be reading a newspaper might give us.. This talk was from before the worldwide pandemic, look where we stand now. Are we really better off now then a few short years ago? According to this little guy's thoughts…we have actually gone worse! Sadly, he might be very well be onto something. Call it a hunch.

  5. Great readers make great writers,
    Whilst great writers make great communicators,
    And great communicators make great persuaders.
    And you what great persuaders make?
    They make good societies. — Luke Bakic Pawlak


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