A spoiled schoolgirl, her overworked executive mother, and a disillusioned young minister each receives an uplifting message …


  1. Descendants of those demonic Atheists, that Jesus expelled from God's Temple, with a whip, and said to them in John 8:44; "You belong to your father, the devil…" are still amongst us. Thank God, America still has good people that do not accept, that evil.

  2. This is rily a wonderful movie..It primarily touches about the " Love " ..God loves us Soo much..to have us an eternal life with Him..That the true meaning of Christmas was Jesus…The true humility also of God that He came down on earth to be a man, also in a form of baby in a manger..

  3. Maxine asked exactly the question I've always been asking ……How can you celebrate your birthday with you being kicked out? We've kicked the celebrant out that is Jesus himself. We Christians have helped the world do it.

  4. 🎄 This movie should be played on every channel during the Christmas season 🎄 After watching it on TV for a few years Bought the DVD 📀 about 3-4 years ago to add to my collection of holiday movies…This Is The Best Christmas Movie Ever 🎄 Just couldn't sleep tonight so decided to watch it on YouTube 💖

  5. Salvation:

    Repent and believe.

    Romans 10

    ⁹ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    ¹⁰ For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    1 John

    1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  6. Thank you – I have just discovered these wonderful Christian movies and am watching quite a few. I love in downunder Tasmania, Australia, which is as down under as you can go in Australia, just about. Thank you Jefferson and Moore and Kelly Worthington, the whole cast, crew and everyone concerned.

  7. I've thoroughly enjoyed this movie and "Perfect Stranger" and "Another Perfect Stranger"! I don't know if there are others in this set, but I hope so and I'll be searching for them. Beautiful messages in all of them! They really touch my heart.


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