This is Revival History of the people who were impacted at Azusa Street! Listen to their testimonies …


  1. Hey Tom, Cody Antrim here from Yakima Washington USA. just want to let you know that you are definitely blessed me and I enjoyed this very much I just recently stumbled across Azusa Street Revival the other day watching Sid Roth . I stumbled across you in my YouTube feed the other day on a video about praying in the spirit . I know It Is by no coincidence that I'm writing you now. I've also been seeking and praying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I'm not sure but I think it's because when I was baptized a year or two ago I had some unrepentant sin in my life I've just recently been able to be completely obedient to the Lord and want more than ever to be filled with the spirit and to be activated and filled with his glory and power and I want to Praise Him very much with his tongue. I just want whatever he has for me and I want a lot of it LOL. anyway very excited thank you so much for what you're doing please don't ever stop speaking the truth I pray and ask the father to bless you and your Ministries in Jesus name.

  2. Oh no, laughing, barking, roaring, and acting like a display that would not really reflect God at all. Gold from the ceiling, rolling on the floor, as you say: God does crazy things. Really? There is a fellow who goes and conducts the "God's happy-hour" No, it is not God, it is demonic.


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