The Pedophile EDDIE LONG is burning in hell! Watch what he said in his FAREWELL SERMON! Subscribe to our channel: …


  1. sheeple go read your bible and how it talks about the people that spread the world of god should give away their worldly postions and live a meger life stupid morons make sure to give your hard earned money to your mega church
    kinda like that piece of shit joel osteen who locked the doors of his mega church during the hurricane in texas hmmmm now hurry and give that piece of shit your money lmaooooooooo stupid fucks

  2. DAMN!!!!!! Wow this shit is the most fucked up video i have ever seen. You can see death in his face and body. The disease eating away at his flesh and the demons are just waiting for his laft breathe. Reap what you sow you surely calling on the reaper.

  3. May we humans tremble at the thought of how Holy God is; we have no idea how mankind is frail without Jesus in the heart. I pray that Christians will stop taking God's name in vain. This is a terrible manifestation of divine wrath. We are evil without the guidance of God. This should cause all the leaders of Prosperity Gospel to tremble. May God save every soul affected by this tragedy. Those young souls were greatly betrayed. Fear God and give Him glory.

  4. False prophets be warned Pedophiles be warned I hope he’s not the last ie.joyce Myers all the prosperity false doctrine pastors did they really think god was gonna just continue to let them lead his flock astray.. Jesus is coming soon !!!

  5. She crying because Eddie long is in hell he parish with all the money he got he did not repent of his greed or homosexuality or pride god humbled him and sent that cancer to him and god kill him and sent him to hell so sad I am not rejoicing over his death it’s so sad that this preacher lost his soul 😭

  6. Dude really i get what he did was horrible but none of us here have a right to judge we all sin against god he’s still a soul hell is not a place you would wanna wish on nobody and if your a true Christian you should already know this

  7. These people are stupid walking around with that big clown in the chair like he's a king, only thing he's king of is boy p****🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, oh well good riddance to his bulshit preaching


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