Mel Gibson has announced a Passion of the Christ sequel. Find out more here! Plus, some movies to check out for Valentines Day!

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Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:42:45. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


    • Honedge Knight Music Yeah dude, this ones gonna have the final boss pontius pilate as an unlockable character!!!!!

    • Nathan Sample Passion of the Christ 2: X-Treme Deluxe Ultra Beach Volleyball – Escape to Africa Redux Special Gold Edition Director’s Cut Unrated Returns 3D & Knuckles

    • Honedge Knight Music yes, passion of the Christ 2: Xtreme deluxe ultra beach volleyball – escape to Africa redux special gold edition will have a cameo from Alex the lion. 🦁

  1. Does this mean we can expect the Passion trilogy to end with Jesus heading to America, fulfilling the events we saw in the Book of Mormon?


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