THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST 2: Resurrection Teaser (2024) With Mel Gibson & Monica Bellucci ✓Become A Member …


  1. That title doesn't make sense. The "passion" refers to his sufferings. There is no suffering in resurrection. It would have to simply be called The Resurrection of the Christ, or something like that.

  2. Isaiah : "WITH his stripes we are healed" The stripes that man gave him out of sin become his own Burden (he who had no sin became sin for us) BY which he redeems man unto the Biblical words "I Hurt & I Heal" (Job) unto "My burden is light & my Yoke easy" the words that underscore the Communion, The Body & Blood of the STRIPED Christ received through FAITH – The GRACE,
    FAITH has its works within, comes through following the TWO COMMANDMENTS of Love, amounts to picking up ones own crosses daily to following him as commanded, thus Equating WITH him on the Cross,
    So the stripes that man gave him is the reason why "It pleased God to Bruise him" (Isaiah), Not for the bruises itself but for its Fruit, For which he HAD TO RESURRECT, that he did, CAUSE THE BURDEN OF OUR SINS could not hold him down in hell (where sin & death rules) as he was found stronger than Sin itself, to say there is no sin that he cannot remove,
    This is basically a " Conversion act" instead of a "Substitution (magical) act " as generally believed by Protestants The Error has its origins through Protestantism's theologically leavening the Faith by "Faith Only " that James specifically says is not, unto mis interpretation Paul (the reason why Martin Luther rejected James cause it was a hinderance to his erranous view of redemption) & the philosophies that arise out of the leavens becomes to another Christ another Gospel
    Give unto God what is to God– FAITH, surely not a Leavened/Corrupted Faith,

  3. The only thing you need to know if Jesus went to Hell is what He told the thief while on the cross. The thief asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus went to Heaven. Jesus answered him saying , today you will be with me in Paradise. That would indicate He (Jesus) would go to The Father, not to enter Hell.
    The part about Apostle's Creed that states that Jesus went into Hell was added much later and not as originally written. I think that theology is based on Catholic doctrine.


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