The Outcast Who Was Humiliated Has Finally Found A Rich Man That Treats Her Like A Queen/AfricaMovie

In this Nigerian movie, Starring: Jerry Williams, Ebele Okaro Onyiuke, Chiwetalu Agu and other Nollywood actors.


  1. This man looks like a straight up American thug. Pull your pants up. African men are NOT thugs like too many American Blacks. Black Americans have been destroyed by white liberals.

  2. This movie has a powerful plot. Money is NOT everything and when you are focused on money too much, you might just be lead to your own demise. Open your eye, and put God first!

  3. This movie shows what people will do to obtain riches. We must remember to treat everyone right. When you become to high God will truly bring you back down to reality. Those who we think are nobodies are some body in Christ Jesus. This movie has great life lessons to show everybody is some body. All the actors in this movie gave an amazing performance.

  4. This movie has a big lesson and it teachers that money is not life and money can not buy everything in life and even on top of it money can't buy happiness


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