Got 5 hours to spend on family home evening? Date night, perhaps? There’s no better way to spend an entire afternoon than …


  1. Thank you for putting this work of art together. I turn it on when I am going to sleep and on Sundays. It is so soothing to watch Christs story. Especially at night, when I’m alone with my thoughts. That is when I get depressed about the evils of the world. But, when I turn this on, all my sadness and fears go away. I know God and his son are running the show. I have faith that God has a plan for us and loves us. And just like our brother Jesus Christ, we will experience this world, and with Jesus Christ as my example I will do my best to return to him someday. Thank you again.

  2. 2:05:51 — Why thou call me GOOD … There is NONE good but 1 ….. Not son .. not father .. no spirit …Not trinity .. Just GOD … Jesus Obeyed the 1st Commandment of the bible here . But rest of your christians DON"T . STOP CALLING JESUS GOD … He is just a MAN and POWERLESS WITHOUT GOD John 5:30 … You are Blaspheming against GOD when you partner him with Jesus .

  3. I plan on making this an Easter treat. I watched the one that WildWoodCastle did several years ago that's nearly three hours long… that was also wonderfully done and inspiring. Looking forward to this one as well and plan on commenting.

  4. Bless it be our holy father God his son Jesus Christ thank you Lord for all you have done in my life for me bless it be your holy name for through you Jesus Christ I , we have a way into heaven lest we go down into the pit of hell Lord may you please allow me and my brothers and sisters into heaven Lord May we always have your name on our lips and also inside our hearts for you are the ONLY way into HEAVEN bless you father God we know that the time of your coming is within reach May we be watching and ready for your Lord May our GARMENTS be white and our hands hearts and mind we of faith hood cheer and loving kindness Amen

  5. Shema Israel Adonai Elohim Adonai Echad. Baruch sheim kevod malkhuto le'olam va'ed. Baruch atah Adonai Elohinu Malech Hao'lam hamoaz lecheim minharetz. Hallelujah Hallelujah Yeshua HaMashiach.

  6. I enjoyed this film but it's so unfortunate that the people that make these films never acknowledge the black Africans that were definitely around. The Bible says Jesus skin color was bronze and hair like wool. So sad how people can't except it and acknowledge it in films.🤦🏿‍♂️🙏

  7. This is my favorite Bible movie, but I have to say I'm very disappointed that I didn't see the day of Pentecost. If it was there you couldn't see it. That was the most important day for Christians other than the crucifixion.😪

  8. One Christ one kingdom one God one Bible Jesus is coming soon there is no different doctrine our believe is Everything is we depends to God and after life one day we should be before God in judgement day ….Amen Halleluiah forgive me Lord bcoz I was run to u and forsake you and heal me I pray in the name of holy Jesus name Amen……..


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