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  1. 17:00 Oh, my word! If a man looks at me and has filthy thoughts, that all MY fault, not the man's ???

    This Branham man surely had serious problems with sexual temptations. I'm pretty sure he did whatever he wanted with women and he blamed them for his own sins. Sounds like an abusive person blaming their victims. Wickedness overload.

  2. RE: "Seduced" on Prime Video, is a docu about the NXVM cult…….gives a good inside look at a non-christian cult, which christian cults have the same dynamics.

  3. My question is, what possible reason would Branham be connected to Jim Jones, due to the fact Jones "The People's Temple" was 80% blacks? Or why would Jim Jones want to be connect to a racist cult?

  4. God does not deceive. Giants come from the fallen angels having intercourse with women. Not "illegal" sexual intercourse between man and woman. The serpent was Lucifer, a fallen angel, the former angel in charge of worship in heaven before the fall. Sin came from Adam and Eve's disobedience to God in the garden of Eden by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That William Branham got it all twisted.

  5. I am not sure if has anything to do with watching this video, but, YouTube kept advancing this to another video and I had to hit the back button to keep watching. Then up popped the report this video for abuse. I have never had this happen before, interesting I think!

  6. I have a friend who got me into the WOF, and I followed this for several years, I didn't get into following their false teachings nearly as much as he has and still does. The Holy Spirit called me out of it and back to the sound biblical teaching that I was raised on. Branham is a guy that he still likes. He doesnt know these things about him, and when I have tried to show him these things he is very defensive. It is almost like the Nazi's with Hitler. Even after Germany was burned to the ground and Hitler was dead many still believed his message. I pray that the Lord will remove the veil over their eyes who follow this evil teachings.

  7. I love the way Charles closed it out. I may not have been in this particular cult, but I thank God for delivering me from the church I was stuck in. I had no idea what I was involved in, but He provided a way out and I ran! I've been out for a little over four years and I am thankful for fresh air I can breathe knowing that I'm gone from there. It hasn't been super easy, but I have had some amazing Christian people pray for me and guide me in truth. I have had my own share of responsibility to be in God's word so I can stay abreast of the lies and guilt. And as John said, I have actually lived! I had to figure out what was a true conviction and what was manmade. What a relief to be free! So thankful for God's mercy and grace!

  8. Why would there be a gift of healing if it was in the atonement ? There is no gift of salvation. 1 COR.12:9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

  9. Very eye opening. I spent 10 years around people that revered Braham as a father of the faith (along with Kathryn Kuhlman, Smith Wigglesworth, Bill Johnson and more). I never heard anything from him, this is awful.

  10. So glad that you mentioned Steve Hassan! Combatting Cult Mind Control is an EXCELLENT book for anyone who truly wants to understand how an actual cult works & how mind control works!! A MUST READ!

  11. It is a cult. Lip service and no action and reality. Many have used this "message" for their own egos and force authority being a sadistic authorian. Unrealistic

  12. Elitist mentality ,manipulation,mind control tool. All the traits displayed is not of God like. Look at their actions, $$$$ through tites. Pastors upgrading their houses and buying big cars. I don't see no truth in this manipulating religion that has caused many grief's and broken families


  14. I have never heard of revictimization before, but yet it makes perfect sense to me now. I was born and raised as a Jehovah's Witness, which I hated. Was depressed and suicidal. Didn't realize that it was caused by being in a cult. I eventually got out of it and then unfortunately getting involved in a Charismatic WOF church. From there I went even deeper into an NAR church. The more I read the Bible, the more my eyes opened to how flawed this church and its teachings were. I left and got involved in a fundamental, Bible believing church.

  15. I bought John Collins' kindle book on William Braham after watching this podcast. Looking forward to reading it. I will seek to incorporate some of its note in a sermon on the Pentecostal movement in the future God willing

  16. You CAN'T tell someone YOUR TRUTH you KNOW and expect they will KNOW it to when you tell them. Its your truth. Not their truth.
    They need to find their OWN path TO THE TRUTH, for it to settle and start the questioning themselves…..

  17. Shame poor Branham, 22:10, he only raised 7 people from the dead, not hundreds like the bearded dead raiser from Bethel. So I guess that alone show how pathetic Branham was compared to the (as Paul would say) "super Apostles" we have today.


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