The Mustard Seed | English | Parables Of Jesus | Episode 08

Uncle Yesh explains how a small and tiny Mustard Seed can one day, grow into a large tree with many branches, offering refuge and shadow to many. He teaches the kids why its important to care about small things in life using this lovely Parable.

Esther and John are siblings who are trying to flee from war torn Syria. Joshua, their cousin is also travelling with them. All of them got separated from their parents while trying to flee from the country. They are now trying to cross the border and find their parents with the help of Uncle Yesh. He uses every opportunity they find on their way, to teach kids why its important to follow the Word of God.

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:30:45. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Is there a seed smaller than the mustard seed that when grown is bigger than the mustard tree that can span up to 20-25ft? The answer is no. So the mustard seed is the smallest seed on earth that when sown in the earth produces the largest herb that produces great branches that the birds can nest in. Itā€™s not just the smallest seed THEY planted back in the day, but, itā€™s the smallest seed that meets all the other requirements stated in the text that applies TODAY.

    Christ didnā€™t make an absolute statement about the size of the mustard seed being the absolute smallest; but it came with qualifications of the smallest that:
    1. Has to be sown in the earth.
    2. Must become greater than all the herbs.
    3. Must shoot out straight branches.
    4. Birds must be able to nest in it.

    ā€œIt is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.ā€
    ā€­ā€­Markā€¬ ā€­4:31-32ā€¬ ā€­

    Orchid seeds are not sown in the earth but in water and then planted in the earth. Orchid seed is not sown in earth.

    Wolffia or wormwood grows on top of water and is not sown in the earth or dry land.

    Poppy seeds are sown in the earth but when grown are not greater than all herbs, do not have great branches, and cannot hold birds or nests. This likewise goes for every other seed that is smaller than the mustard seed that is sown in the earth.

    So this passage is literal, and scientific, whatever that means, and is in a parable, with a physical and spiritual context, and is not exaggerated hyperbole.

    Christā€™s words are true…literally! Read His word with reverence humility and you will have eyes to see and ears to hear. Read it with the high minded experts and you will not see…thatā€™s what parables are for.

  2. Nice video but you have not followed Paul’s advice. If we study the Creation as Paul advised us and many of us in fact do, we will maybe see the mustard seed and the Kingdom in another perspective: the birth of the Universe from infinitely small quantum particles. Our world is only one of many. Jesus said that there were many things more to tell about, to the disciples, but they were not prepared. But you should. I share my thoughts about this in Have a nice day.

    • Hi stellan , there are many mysteries we dont under stand , so i gave up on that idea , . All i want to understand now is –‘ what drove the creator of the universe to die for tiny little creation? ‘

      The answer has to do with Love , the unconditional kind . May be explore that love .

      Have a nice day , i will see you in person , some day in some other world .


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