1. Indeed yesterday's sermon has brought light to my mindset. No wonder the enemy made attempts to attack the network on YouTube and mixlr. Our God came through and here is my first testimony. The Lord's voice and revelations are so clear now that my mindset is changed. This is just the beginning, Amen. May we all receive visitation that will transform our lives in Jesus name, Ameeeeeeen

  2. Kindly media team as you upload the audio version of the service could you also upload the whole service…some of us like listening to the whole service not just the preaching part…I hope you see this comment….

  3. I started watching Apostle somewhere mid 2023 and ever since my prayer life and word studying life has changed. I am also believing the Almighty God for some miracles in my life so that I can also come and testify. I know the good Lord will answer my prayers to glory His name. Is only God that can do what I presented before Him. I am grateful to you Daddy for drawing me closer to God Almighty, our All-In-All pls I want to know you more and more. Help me LORD 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏

  4. I want thank God, last week i listened to a sermon online and i was in tough situation which i don’t know how to go about but after listening to the sermon and believing God for a miracle, God came through for me in a way i can’t explain….Thank you Lord Jesus 🙏🏻

  5. My mind was under attack for past two weeks. I lost a good friend in April and this particular one has been filled with dark thoughts and energy. I asked God i need energy give me a word. And Behold, this is the word.
    Transformation. After everything is said and done, if you are not transformed everything is meaningless. Praise God. I am ready for the rest of 2024. Selah.

  6. I connect in Faith from Canada. I received salvation and I contend myself to be disciplined to begin my journey for transformation. I am empowered to excel and propels my mindset to beyond my mind can fathom, in the name Jesus. Amen and amen ❤🙏❤ Thank you Apostle Joshua Selman and Koinonia global! Media team you made it possible for us to receive the Light. I salute you all.
    👏👏👏 thank you!!


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