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  1. Scientists are almost certain that the first people to live to 200 years old or longer are already alive. Just imagine looking back on the length of your life and knowing that your birth was not much further from the middle ages than it is to the present day.

  2. Jewish influence on the Reform Movement of Christianity concerning the Shism called forth by Cardinal Pierleoni in Holy Church.
    A decisive importance for the development of the so called nose peoples heresy in the middle ages, in which Popes, Councils and Inquisition with justice see the secret aliens, were the organizers and spreaders of the remaining heretical movements.
    The chief factor for the outbreak of the nose peoples heresy in the 12th century was election of Anacletus II, one of the members of the hebrew Pierleoni family, as Pope in the year 1130.
    The Plot Against The Church by Maurice Pinay.—

  3. Strangely it's not mentioned Swabian king Frederick II, called "Stupor Mundi" (wonder of the world); a charismatic figure of his time (13th century); man of great culture (he spoke six languages including fluent arabic), fond in art, literature, architecture, anatomy and more; furthermore excellent diplomatic and politician! Check on yt: "Frederick II liked a strange, mysteriuos geometry"

  4. Good. But why do you talk only about england and france? No william wallace? No reconquista? No turks? No mongols? No discovery of america? No fall of constantinople

  5. This is going to happen again know how I know the mark of the beast it happened with Nebuchadnezzar Meshach and Abednego yes boys girls keep praying seeking God's face will get us through it

  6. This video makes King John a partner in creating the Magna Carta. I had always understood that it was foisted upon him. I’ll need to dig deeper to find out the whole story.

  7. the middle ages were not dark they were the best time to be alive, no, none, zero government intervention
    21st century we are living in the dark ages today, TOTAL AND COMPLETE CONTROL BY THE GOVENRMENT FROM BIRTH TO DEATH

  8. First off the Middle ages started in the 4th century not the 5th century and it ended in the 15th 14th century and also so people know everybody is always being told there was no Middle ages in America but yes there was cuz there were people living here there were the natives living here in America and there were the Vikings living here in America who arrived in America in 1021 which was in the 10th century and they left in the 15th century people aren't taught us in school for some reason I was homeschooled and I was talked this from real history books.

  9. They portray this in a way, that is not very balanced.
    Tenpole Tudor the british punk band of the late 1970's became known with their album: "Swords Of A Thousand Men".
    The lead singer Mr. Tudor had found out that his ancestry is the Tudors.
    What he withheld was that he was a chosenite and of course the Tudors were people of the nose tribe too.
    The magic noses were not known only to poison the wells but poison Christians with their concoctions & potions camouflaged as doctors.
    On the Synod of Salamanca in middle age Europe was mentioned that the J's become physicians only to poison Christians.
    Oxford Languages: Synod: an assembly of the clergy and sometimes also the laity in a diocese or other division of a particular Church.
    1. lay people, as distinct from the clergy.
    2. ordinary people, as distinct from professionals or experts.
    The Arab Muslimi empire made laws in 333 A.D. (After Christ) against the Jays to become physicians, as they also killed with their concoctions the muslims camouflaged as doctors.
    An interesting point of reference in this scenario of manipulation, is the case of the company "Merck".
    Merck, a multinational pharmaceutical corporation, is providing worldwide via distribution their drugs in a continental spectrum.
    It was Merck, who had it's first Apothecary – meaning drug store in the world, opened up in Darmstadt Germany in the 1660's – late medieval Europe.
    Of today their drug stores are spread all over the world. Its not a coincidence that the Greek word Pharmaceutical-Pharmakia by definition is translated as=Sorcery & Magic.
    Only in the occult world of the magic noses, a poison is accepted through a medical establishment and by health care provision (health care providers like medicaid and others) as a means of healing and help to get well and get better.
    Book reference:
    Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins.—
    The Terror Of Pediatric Medicine by Dr. Sircus.—
    The Plot Against The Church by Maurice Pinay.—
    The War Of Antichrist With The Church And Christian Civilization by Dillon.—
    Freemasonry And The Anti Christian Movement by Reverend Cahill.—
    A Study In American Freemasonry by Arthur Preuss.—
    The Rulers Of Russia by Reverend Denis Fahey.—
    The Octopus by Elizabeth Dilling.—
    The Red Network by Elizabeth Dilling.—


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