The Merciful (2022) | Full Movie | Thriller Movie | Idaho Movie | Survival

The Merciful is a 2022 drama film about a man who walks into the Idaho mountains to end his life, but is unsuccessful. Robert …


  1. It should be 10 degrees out there in them woods yet homeboy is got his light vest on with a skimpy ass shirt on as if it's 50 degrees out and she's not too far behind,,, so I'm confused what happened to realism in movies??? No mas??? It's dragging too no action whatsoever,,, I'm falling a sleep 😴 watching this crap…

  2. I read these comments and I feel like I saw a different movie. Other than being clearly post apocalyptic, was it warning viewers about the danger of cults or of zombies? Was it a love story between two people with opposing values or an inane quasi-patriotic nod to misguided survivalists? An elaborate enlistment ad for the Marines or a thinly-veiled promotion for the NRA? This movie tried (and failed) to be so many different things, it ended up being nothing much at all. From the crappy dialogue to the mediocre acting to the hole riddled plot, it's obvious that it's IDBM rating came from an audience of knuckle-draggers that will likely support Trump for a third time… if he's not in jail where he belongs. More than anything, it's just sad that this piece of garbage appeals to half the people in the country.

  3. Totally mesmerizing and thought provoking. I so enjoyed it, figuring it out and until I read the comment on the ending, I didn't c fully underdtand. I should imagine there could be a great part 2. Thank you all for the movie and Indie Rights for showing. Going to save and watch again 😍

  4. I watched this movie in bed in hopes of drifting off to sleep. After I read the brief written description, I was thoroughly confused after the 1st few minutes – I couldn't make heads or tails of what I was watching. My curiosity aroused…I quickly became engrossed. This movie is meant be be deciphered, not just watched. The nuances are subtle, provoking and open to great supposition. The storyline so well hidden you couldn't miss an instant or you would be lost. The chemistry and performances by you and "Ali" were quite believable. I do have to say that "Scotts'" performance was lackluster and somewhat devoid of the true emotion I would have expected. Needless to say, I didn't get to sleep. Nicely portrayed, almost interactive in essence for the viewer. Pretty deep sir – well executed!👍 (We do have gorgeous scenery here in Idaho🙂) P.S. Loved the Blooper Vid

  5. Certainly was entertained by this movie (if for nothing else than the Idaho wilderness setting), though I must admit there was a lot about it I didn't understand. Took quite a while to realize that this is a zombie apocalypse film, though you only get the slightest hint of zombies, until the very end. The acting was good, but the plot confusing, virtually undecipherable. Hint: it has to do with conflicting family relations, across generations. Perhaps it'd make more sense upon second viewing. Still don't get why the photos and lifespans of real people were presented at the very end, post-action. A "good" film, based upon cinematography and performances; a "lame" movie, in my opinion, based upon the last few seconds, when Micky confronts the zombies in town. It just seems that all the suspense and character development of the film were thrown away in that final scene.


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