The Memorial Album slideshow   'Family Photo's' 3 of 14   William Branham photos



  1. I heard , in France, of Br. Branham in 1974 and followed his teachings nine years, I still love him, even more. I wish I had heard a few years earlier….. God had other plans. Beautiful family, a blessings to this tormented world. Love and blessings in plenty. And big thanks for sharing

  2. IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS ​​I ASK, help me take this to Pastor Joseph Branham and Billy Paul Branham.
    This is a challenge to the photographs of the Prophet under the pillar of fire in 1950, which circulate on the Internet without any contrary manifestation on the part of Recordings A Voz de Deus with regard to their origins, and which have been used for many years at random by all the message ministries around the world without any investigation of their origin, suitability and originality, unaware until proven otherwise, any position of that body on the subject.
    Therefore, we expect the manifestations of Recordings A Voz de Deus to provide and distribute a faithful copy of the original photo of the Prophet under the pillar of fire as shown by him in the film "The Prophet of the 20th Century, even though the copyright belongs to the Association of photographers of america which should keep the original image and not pervert it in its own interest.
    Our proposition is not intended to imply any doubts about the Prophet's original photograph under the pillar of fire, but against the falsified photographs taken by evil-minded people taken by the devil to include Masonic symbolism or any other belief contrary to the teachings in the Prophet's image. of Christ and the Prophet, thereby seeking the discredit of those who see him with such figures.
    Said the Prophet:
    32 Therefore, may the Branham Tabernacle be like this. And on the day, especially on this day when we have so many (I don't mean this) but so many personifications. We don't want impersonations. No one, no honest person wants to be an impersonator. IF WE CANNOT HAVE THE TRUE, THEN WE HAVE NONE. Hopefully until you have the real one. I believe that you will agree with that. WE DON'T WANT ANYTHING FALSE. Brothers, we cannot start with something personified and live in this world. We have to have what is true and genuine. And if we don't have it, wait until we have it and then say something about it.
    Message: The order of the church 1963 (Goiânia)

  3. I Love my prophet and his family, Godbless you sir Billy poul and Josef brenham , thank you for your stand for ministry.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  4. this was touching an beautiful at the same time im 58 woman australian and i remember my uncle in the 80s bringing a box full of brother branham messages i was 14 in 77 i started reading them since then ive held dear to everything our beautiful Lord God Saviour has sent an said through our last 7th day prophet sent in our day age an generation and looking at the world today you can feel the Lord is coming closer repent ppls look up our redemption draweth nigh amen God bless everybody and our christian bro an sisters world wide be ready in Christ dont be afraid as bro branham said………..the devil is a scarecrow in a paddock thats all he is hes there to scare an bully us in Jesus name he has to go keep praying ppls an believing amen an amen xox

  5. Branham, never wanted any sort of exaltation, he only wanted people to see and understand the word, that was all.

    Look straight to calvary,. That's where our redemption is , get ur eyes off a mortal.
    Paul never claimed to be more better than the rest of the apostles, yet he had a greater message,
    Branham never and never claimed to be any better than the other messengers or prophets, yet he had a greater message!

    That message is what we need to look at , at christ Jesus, the king of glory. Who alone is able to save our souls,.
    WHAT IS THAT MESSAGE ? Repent everyone of you and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of eternal life.,,,, Come out of her my people, that you may not be partakers of her sins,,,, COME BACK TO BIBLE;!!!!


  6. Lucas capítulo 24.vesiculo 47 48 49, Atos dos apóstolos capítulo 2.versiculo 38 depôs leia capítulo 19 até o 5. Fala sobre o verdadeiro batismo que é em nome do SENHOR JESUS CRISTO,

  7. Gênesis capítulo 18 Abraão disse Senhor, porque Deus é um. Capítulo 19 Lo disse senhores falta de revelação. Asi foi com Abel e Caim um teve revelação e o outro não.

  8. How is this Family doing now?
    All I can see is JESUS CHRIST in all.
    Precious family. God is been good.
    God Bless You All!
    Your fellow Servant
    Brother in the LORD

  9. I was happy to see the pictures, however two pictures are incorrectly labeled. First one labeled Brother Branham and Meda with BillyPaul and family is not BillyPaul and hie wife. Next is the picture labeled Brother Branham and His grandson Paul is a repeat of the photo of Brother Branham and hie son Joseph not his grandson Paul. However I did enjoy seeing the family photos.

  10. As a kid growing up in India I first heard of Bro Branham and the Prophetic Ministry and have never for once doubted it; here I am in Australia, decades later, successful in business and when I meet people whose faith is being challenged, I send the clips of Bro Branham moving in The Word of knowledge – it does scare and frighten people but, if our hearts are genuinely seeking, we will receive it.

  11. Rio Branco Acre…nós a IGREJA NOIVA DO SENHOR JESUS CRISTO, tivemos da parte de DEUS. Um Grande PROFETA Malaquias 4:5/6. E Apocalipse 10:7. QUE privilégio. Obrigado SENHOR JESUS.


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