The Map of the Supernatural | Apostle Michael Orokpo – Facebook: – Telegram: …


  1. It's important for us to realize that the Supernatural is not for a sselected Few. We were born to walk in the Supernatural Realm!!
    We are Creatures of the Glory!! Henceforth, Go forth in this Thy Might!!!

  2. My God Jesussssss 👏 every time I watch/ see Apostles a quickening hit my spirit man and more light is shined on scripture i had some consciousness of but not a full understanding but for the last 6months or longer spiritual blindness is being removed from my eyes🤔 My God Revelation knowledge this man carries make me sit back and say What kind of man is this….My God Hallelujah 👏 🙌 I bless God for Encounter Jesus Ministries


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