The Man of God 1 – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. He is worth listening to as he reflects on his message. This a message I couldn't bypass but watched and listened to it till the end. Long live and good health with both spiritual and physical blessings to the Man of GOD

  2. I Pray that Apostle will visit Sierra Leone 🇸🇱 somedays 😊. I feel so blessed and completely different today. I truly feel the manifestation of God in me as I listened to this awesome Man of Gods. You’re truly a divine Being. Hallelujah ❤😊🙏

  3. This is wholesome it calls for a renewal of our minds,detaching from the former understanding of God into now knowing that we are Godmen here on earth, we now partake in the Godhead we share in all that Hé is ,Christ is our mirror image, glory glory glory, thank you Man of God for this great reminder.


    I was in a hotel in guangzhou china, I was listening to this sermon while sleeping on my bed, i was so sick i had a very bad flue.
    I was just listening to the preaching, since i love listening to the teaching of the apostle. In the middle of the sermon I fell asleep but in my sleep i had his voice saying "YOU ARE GOING TO RECEIVE HEALING" When i woke up the sermon was over but the flue was now severe i went to the bathroom and sneezed, washed my nose, came back to bed and guess what 😊 flue was Gone just like that, didn't write the testimony yesterday since i thought the flue will come back 😅. Today i am very fine no more flue am free i Thank JESUS for healing me.
    I am writing this date because i understand this sermon will live. My everyone hearing this receive a Healing.


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