Out of the sea, wish I could be… part of that world. Disney’s The Little Mermaid is coming to theaters May 26, 2023. “The Little …


  1. She may not look like the "white" Ariel most people dream about but what about the other women who weren't white and dreamed about being a mermaid princess as well? Who died and made all mermaids white anyway? This is a fictional FANTASY character. Mermaids do not have a specific skin color. Ariel can be anybody. Plus at least she can sing. Imagine if they did hire a white Ariel look alike and her singing voice was probably terrible then what?

  2. There's an unmistakable moment of perfection when Ariel first experiences dry land and cries out, " I can't BREATHE!" It literally sparked a movement and they erected a statue!

  3. The ratio gives me hope. I'm just so happy people are finally waking up more and more to this regurgitated, politically-correct madness. It's not even just about the ideological aspect. It's also how tired and formulaic entertainment has become. Reboots/remakes, sequels, prequels, and so on.

  4. Ok so disney can’t respect the tale and put wokism in it. « They were six beautiful children; but the youngest was the prettiest of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea »

  5. Pengacara Hak Asasi Manusia: Kejahatan Terhadap Kemanusiaan

    Carlos Iglesias, seorang pengacara Spanyol yang mengepalai tim hukum Eropa dari LSM Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, bergabung dalam konferensi melalui panggilan video. Dia mengatakan PKT mirip dengan “pembunuh berantai dalam skala besar.”

    Pengambilan organ secara paksa adalah “kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan – genosida sejati,” jelasnya. Selain menghasilkan keuntungan besar, PKT mungkin menganggap pengambilan organ sebagai bagian dari rencana genosida untuk membasmi Falun Gong dan kelompok minoritas lainnya.

    Meskipun pembunuhan orang dan pengambilan organ mereka telah terjadi dalam skala besar di Tiongkok selama 20 tahun terakhir, komunitas internasional belum berbuat cukup untuk mencegah atau menghukum kejahatan ini. Itulah sebabnya Iglesias mengajak lebih banyak orang untuk membantu mengakhiri tragedi tersebut.


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