FILM: William Branham’s last moments. Tucson Church, December 12, 1965. Brother Branham presides over his last service and …


  1. Jeremiah 27:15 ►

    I have not sent them,’ declares the LORD. ‘They are prophesying lies in my name. Therefore, I will banish you and you will perish, both you and the prophets who prophesy to you.’” Gods word did not change because most of the deceived followers of lying false prophet homosexual loving Branham Only Believe. .. Anyone who followed this fraud skipped this 1 John 4

    Test the Spirits

    4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world

  2. Amazing, message believers have no ideal of the actual history of William Branham (WMB). Most I speak to cannot name the so called 1933 prophecies and many are not aware that the Municipal City Bridge, Tent prophecy, Brown Bear prophecy and the India and African prophecies never happen and they are not aware or don't want to believe there is no record of WMB giving the prophecy before the prophesied event. Remember according to Deut in the OT if one prophecy is not fulfilled, the man does not speak from God.

    Most Assume George Lacy worked for the FBI, the the photo of the pillar of fire is in the "Religious Hall of art" in Washington. What they don't know is that there is no "Religious Hall of Art" , that Lacy did not work for the FBI and that the FBI never had anything to say about the pillar of fire. Last, Lacy only stated that light hit the film and he never stated that the photo was that of a supernatural being. The big issue is the phenomenon over the heads of actors, singers and speakers at the Houston Coliseum was a common event and the light over WMB shoulder today is actually photo shopped by VOG.

    Another issue is the Cloud and WMB meeting 5 to 7 angles, seems he has trouble remembering. No wonder, He was in Texas on March 5 giving a sermon and later states he did not arrive in Arizona till after this sermon was given. The cloud appeared on Feb 28 and WMB was still in Texas. So my question is, how was he under the cloud when it appeared when he is several states away. Plus, hunting season did not start till March 1 and WMB being a past game warden, I hope would not be poaching!

    What about his upbringing? He moved to Jeffersonville when he was 3. He was an adult when his father died and was most of his siblings, so why did he not finish school? He was not living in the wilderness but in a metro area, contrary to what is preached today. He was not poor but died a millionaire. In todays money it is estimated to be near 15 Million. He stayed in the nicest hotels and hunted big game animals in Africa for the sport of fun. His collection of weapons would make a prepper proud today and these weapons must of cost hundreds of dollars. Poor, he was not.

    The the plagiarisms, compare the works of Clearance Larkins "dispensational Truths" "Revelation" and "Daniel" you will find that the WMB on the Seven Church Ages is just the work of Clarence Larkin. The angles that give WMB this revelations were the men like Larkin and others.

    For detailed information on the man and this message look at the following books and web pages: google: prove the claims searching for vindication books: Investigating William Branham: The unfolding story of plagiarisms and errors; Preacher Behind the White Hoods; Stone Mountain to Dallas, William Branham: 20 century Charlatan.

    Please don't tell me I going to be judge message believers, I speak truth and contend for the faith. The man from Windsor that questioned WMB healing ability, was he forgiven as stated in the first example or was he in a coma, was he sick or did he die? Message Ministers Preach Fear and control not the Gospel of the Jesus or Paul.

  3. It was so sad… But he finished the work of God.
    Dear youtuber, i am sorry can I get the background musics of this videos, even their sources, it ll we so helpful. They are so touchful and i liked them

  4. Praised be to God, a false prophet is dead. Leave this cult and receive the truth of the Gospel. Jesus died for your sins and raised from the dead for your justification. This is separate from what this heritac is saying to you. Flee from The Message.

  5. Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD's temple was laid, consider it.

    In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.

    24th day of the 9th month which is Kislev in the Jewish calendar and it's December in the Roman calendar, in that day of the 24th of the 9th month, I'll take thee my servant zerubabel, go read "THE MESSAGE OF GRACE" – and you'll find out who's Zerubabel

  6. This was a very sad time for Our Prophet Brother Branham to be going from us, I was five years old when he passed on to you Lord Jesus Christ 🙏💕🥺. Thank God we have the tapes to listen 👂 to you Lord Jesus speak 🗣️ through Our Prophet Brother Branham. You're Sister Debbie Donovan, I Thank all that put this all together, including the family.

  7. It's very loving ,am just seeing as if it happened yesterday ,praise God for this msg through his prophet , of restoration back to God world truly our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon to take His bride .
    James kenya

  8. Why i sudden cry when i see this video? I don't know why i cry afte ri see this,I even didn't know william branham i just know his name after hearing it from our pastor


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