The Kingdom Principles of Keys Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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  1. As I was driving east in Wagoner Oklahoma I saw the left hand of God come out of the clouds, going from East to North, where a board with Seven hooks and five keys.
    The hand took two keys then placed the keys in the road as I drove passed.
    I'm of the tribe of Simeon with the Dead church of Sardis church of Seven Star's an Seven Spirits of God.
    Numbers 12:6 If there is a Prophet among you I will make myself known to him in a vision and speak to him in his dream's.
    Such a Honor I've experienced with several open vision's.
    On Purim in 2020 the Lord showed me the Restrainer departs around the corner when the wheat field is ready.
    Proverbs 27:25 When the grass is gone and new growth is seen the herbs are gathered in.
    We quench the Holy Ghost and have no oil when we refuse to walk in love as commanded to in Mark 12:29-31. Jeremiah 7 defines the consequences of refusing, God don't hear prayers from them nor their intercessors prayers are heard of by God. The abortionist idolators an oppressors!
    1 John 5:16 All sin is sin but there is a sin unto death, I'd have you not ask of this.
    Mark 12:29-31 Love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul and likewise love thy brother as thyself.
    Why so many people, like the Democratic Believer who never repented of their abortion Proverbs 6 tells us God hates shedding of inocessent blood yet they continue to support abortion in Democratic primary and Proverbs 17:15 You who justify the wicked and condemned the just are both an abomination to the Lord. Reason why people died from COVID-19, sin unto death in ignorance.
    No fear of the Lord is wickedness Psalms 36 declares!
    Son's of God Roman's 8 Eliakim will replace Shebna Isaiah 22!
    Tulsa Oklahoma 74145

  2. I listen everyday now. Sometimes twice per day. Late night, driving to work, driving from work, early mornings like 4am etc…I am not just listening but I am applying the Kingdom Principles to my life now. I feel so free now. Im on my way to completely unlearn to be taught. Glory

  3. Thank you so much for the videos. At age 41, I have finally learned the calling on my life. It is to correct the churches. Confirmed. I have been following the teachings in Dr. Munroe. The Kingdom theology is what I will be delivering.

  4. I have listened to many pastors and I never knew how to pray until I ran into this man. I didn’t know what the kingdom was until I heard his sermon.

  5. As I said, Dr. Myles Munroe becomes my teacher since 2019. I have to go to class with his teaching seven days a week. In my understanding, Dr. Myles Munroe is a teacher who is at the same level of Apostle Paul after our King Jesus the Christ.

    God bless us with one of his son, Dr. Myles Munroe.

    No Pastor teacher the kingdom teaching like Dr. Myles Munroe.

    I bless the name of the LORD for giving us Dr. Myles Munroe as a teacher to teach us the Kingdom concepts.

  6. You know a sermon is truth when your spirit thirst for more. Listening to Dr. Myles fills my spirit and opens my eyes to so many things that I didn’t know. When we meet in heaven oneday I’ll let him know how God used him to change my life.

  7. I believe him saying we don't seek things because most times when I think of some needs without praying for them someone shows up and gives it to me.
    Then I realized most times that the needs have been met.
    I just thought sometime ago I needed a t shirt. A brother came and took me to the market to buy stuffs and bought two t shirts, one for me and one for himself.
    You preachings are awesome! RIp sir, I am blessed listening to you. Whenever I am reminded of my assignment and go back things start happening.
    Working for everything makes us real slaves.

  8. This is REVOLUTIONARY!!! This sermon has all of the answers that I have been searching for all of my life. No more scrapping and scratching for crumbs. I am a KING connected to the KING of KINGS!!!

  9. I was brought up in church and heard parables and talks about the Kingdom of God but never like this. Dr. Myles Munroe has tapped into something I haven't heard all my years going to church, this message makes so much sense how he breaks it down and helps you understand each line, each word and knowledge of how the kingdom operates. This messenger was a God sent even in death he's impacting the world. I've gained, so much perspective from his teaching. Thank you Lord for this great teacher.

  10. My eyes of understanding have been opened! I don’t have a “church home” but the Lord has allowed me to hear Dr Myles’s messages and I know that wherever the Lord leads me- they must be TEACHING the message of the Kingdom of God! Or He’ll do something that I could never imagined and He’ll do exceedingly abundantly above all I could ever imagine 🙌🏾 June 2023!


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