Watch this brief clip of Dr. Myles Munroe he describes, in brief detail, The Kingdom of God. Dr. Munroe talks about his books on the Kingdom, In particular his book entitled Rediscovering The Kingdom and explains what the true message of the gospel is.
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Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:55:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Thanks for sharing this! Powerful message!
For 33 yrs I tried to understand Matthew 6:33, until I watched this today. This morning I prayed and asked God to understand this.
Yh, I’ve heard it misinterpreted soo many times. Thank God for this message
Considering the context of that sermon,Jesus was addressing being overly concerned about food,shelter,clothing etc.He summed it up in verse 33;”keep on seeking first the Kingdom.”In Matt.24:14 and Acts1:8 he also said that the Kingdom would be the the touchstone.Understanding what the Kingdom is, where it’s located,and its’ function would be a good start.
I’m a part of the Kingdom.Why should I beg ppl of the earth for anything.This Kingdom belongs to My Father..This thing is Good.
What is the Kingdom?
Myles Monroe and the Word God gave him has changed and continues to change my life
@Leah Kabwe where u from?
Kevin Rawls me too
It’s beyond my believing that Dr Myles” teaching hasn’t blown the World. Pure truth. I am looking for saints believing in his teaching. Is there any church adopted to this truth teaching? Please call me on 323 392 2865. Powerful message by Dr Myles Munroe
God bless
Dr. Myles Munroe is still teaching us. His revelation of the word and kingdom concepts is outstanding. So, thankful to God for his contributions.
Oh it is really mind blowing.. ! How terribly the ‘so called’ churches are wrong striving to raise the number of members in the church..! Hey… Kingdom does not have members, but citizens!! That’s amazing truth..! Members get emotional for their needs… but citizens demand becuz it is their right…! oooohhhh awesome truth..! Thank you Lord Jesus, my King…!
Indeed fellow citizen It is mind blowing!!
All his kingdom messages are heavy and speaks volumes, also his articulation is mind blowing.
Wow! Dr Munroe just blew my mind again!
This the answer, my God, what a revelation, Jesus Christ
Everytime I watch this video THE HOLY SPIRIT reveals even MORE truths about THE KINGDOM and KINGDOM-THINKING. Thank you, FATHER, for allowing this man of GOD to be a vessel. He was a great teacher! When I get there, I’ll be looking for you, Dr. Monroe❤❤❤
@KaTUPA Pastor Rhoderick De Vera The Kingdom of Heaven/God is the promise of the Father which is the Comforter, the Holy Spirit(LIFE) which came to earth on Pentecost which is none other than JESUS CHRIST
I concur. Great revelational knowledge. Thank you Holy Spirit
@Edwin Castillo really? what specifically different gospel he speaks, can you tell me here?
KaTUPA Pastor Rhoderick De Vera well “pastor” he taught a different gospel & scripture says if any man, or angels preach another gospel LET THEM BE ACCURSED! He lied & said that God NEEDS the permission of man to do anything on earth & that God lost his right to this realm when Adam sinned (heresy). He literally said that he knows more about the Bible than most preachers, and that he understands it more than the listening audience. Lol Last I checked scripture warns us about false teacher & those that “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”
2 Peter 2:1-3 NASB
This whole chapter is pretty much about him and others like him.
@Edwin Castillo state his fallacy so i will believe you
Have a sit down with Dr. Myles Munroe! I love you pastor forever, enjoy your rest with the “Manufacturer!!!”
Manufacturer isn’t a great choice for a HOLY GOD
Benjamin Davis Amen Amen Amen ?
Absolutely mind blowing
Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords Amen
Wooow! !!!!!! What a real teaching from a great teacher.Am marvelled.I love his teaching soo much that I can’t go a day without his teaching.God bless u Dr.
Transformed my thinking entirely. I brought so many of his books now I don’t want to to read any other author.
I wish I can get his books here in Zimbabwe, his articulation of the Word has really saved my life .
The Movement hi please is it possible to send me the books via mail too on
@Taffy Hi. You may get many books thru World wide delivery. Blessing from Malaysia
@The Movement thank you so much
Powerful! We love and miss you Man of God!
*Kingdom of God’s principle and concept are important in our lives.! M M full of divine Revelation and anointing!*
This is so powerful and mind blowing revelation.. Dr. Myles was really a man sent by God for us to understand about His Kingdom.
The Great Myles Munroe. I will look for you when I come to the Kingdom.
God really showed off through Myles Monroe. ♥️
??? So true
Sure did!
Ese77 Ajala you are following a heretic & his false gospel of TB Joshua & these two heretics