The Kingdom Assignment of The Church | Dr. Myles Munroe

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  1. The assignment is to keep the commandments and laws, If you love me then keep/do my commandments, think not, yet you think it, why ? Did you know that easter is translated Ishtar, the Canaanites' deity/god ? Did you know that Constantine the 1st changed the sabbaths to sundays in the yr 321 ? How do you remember the sabbaths ? Did you know Christmas is/was called saturnalia ? Everything Christians do is paganism. Gen. 15:13, Acts 7:6 & Deut. 28:68, who does this sound like ? Also, Google "Israel Hill", they know even if you don't.

  2. I love this message about the kingdom. We are part of a kingdom not a religion! Thank you Jesus for giving us the kingdom back. So thankful for the truths Myles Monroe revealed to us.

  3. I am so thankful Monroe Global is making these teachings available so they are not lost forever. A lot of people have never heard the truths of the kingdom and they are stuck in religion. Thank you.

  4. Advise to people who wants to learn more, stop reading the comments, people are in the dark and they do not want to be alone in the dark (ignorance); so they try to disturb you by negative comments. Why because the knowledge they have aint clean no true, coz it does not give them peace. Matthew6:31-33 seek it, re-search, re-study it until it takes over your soul (mind). I am learning and studying the word, that is why Dr Myles videos makes sense to me, because i am reading the Bible and i found what he was talking about. Shut up and apply the knowledge of the keys of the Kingdom of God.

  5. We come into the world as a Vav, 6 in Hebrew. As we change from mortality to immortality, where Zayin, 7 is Vav, 6 with a Yod, 10 the hand of God on Man as a crown, value 16. Where as Vav, 6 is a value of Six.
    1 John 5:16 All sin is sin but there is a sin unto death, I'd have you not ask of this. Apex of the Gospel's, an Enigma.
    Not walking in love as commanded is sin unto death, Mark 12:29-31 Love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul and likewise love thy brother as thyself in this we fulfill the letter of the law.
    Jeremiah 7 tells us God don't hear prayers from the abortionist idolators an oppressors who refused to walk in love as commanded, nor their intercessors prayers are heard of by God.
    Like the Democratic Believer who never repented of their abortion Proverbs 6 tells us God hates shedding of inocessent blood yet they continue to support abortion in Democratic primary and Proverbs 17:15 You who justify the wicked and condemned the just are both an abomination to the Lord.
    No fear of the Lord is wickedness Psalms 36 declares.
    I'm of the tribe of Simeon.

  6. The part of him speaking on the church not making an impact. "The presence of a church building is not the presence of the kingdom."🔥🔥🔥🔥.If I can like this 1000 times. This was spot on.

  7. I am really glad to express that finally I found the Truth and the Spirit of Truth has set me free which is the Kingdom of Heaven and its Righteousness. All the years I have been lingering in the midst of the religious periphery but now Dr. Myles Monroe has become my real mentor in exploring me in the dispora of the Kingdom of Heaven which is the good news of his mission on earth. I have not found even one explanation on the Kingdom of heaven and God in the Divinity course rather messed up to the individual theologian interpretation by overshadowing the declaration of the lord Jesus Christ. I thank Dr Myles for enlightening us the original intent and purpose of God on us which has been predestined in god's glory hidden in the spiritual realm and finally exposed in Jesus Christ. Therefore Kingdom experience which is the righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit, God is pleased to confer us before the creation of the world. Now I thank god for entering us in the Kingdom era through His son Dr. Myles. I wish greetings to Myles family and associated families.
    Ambassador in Jesus Christ.


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