That's why ambassador of the kingdom of God are not welcome among any religion thanks God for his holy word this message gives the the conformation that I am an ambassador of the kingdom of God born again in His spirit
Dr Myles Spoke the truth about his life Even though the devil got excited, two powerhouses taken but this message of the truth is still hear. TOOO LATE!!!!
I've got a question. Dr Myles Munroe says in this preaching: "The bible never calls you Cristian. Pagans did that" I disagree with that statement, cause in fact, the bible does mentions the term Christians. Acts 11:26; 1 Peter 4:16; Acts 26:28. Please, How do you explain this??
Glory hallelujah! Brother Myles has been given this message for us in this end time hour. God’s hand on him to teach us and prepare us. May God be in us to carry it forward swiftly!
It's 2023 and I'm still sharing this message with anyone who will listen because this explains a lot about our assignment here on earth. This has Blessed me and my family and I thank God for all his messages. We thank God for his family for continuing his legacy. ? ? ?
I am addicted to this kingdom message, it was just revealed to me in January of 2023, during a time of crisis in my life and the message overcame the crisis and redirected my focus on the ? kingdom, it's all I'm yearning for now. I've purchased about 13 of his books because of Hosea 4:6 and the desire to know more about the kingdom.
Bless the Lord ?
2022 we still need this wisdom.
That's why ambassador of the kingdom of God are not welcome among any religion thanks God for his holy word this message gives the the conformation that I am an ambassador of the kingdom of God born again in His spirit
This is light!!!
I love Myles though his statement on being a servant is inaccurate Jesus said the greatest in the kingdom is he who serves.
28:00 he was telling the truth, he and his wife died two at one stroke flying together ?
My Bible and Kingdom teacher. I'm blessed.
Listening in 2022 and I am so blessed by this message. Thank you Sir
There is no way one can hear these teachings and remain the same way they were before listening to these teachings.
It's 2022 and THIS is still being HEARD…and told to others…especially to those calling themselves "christian"…I mean that in the best way…
Going to have to listen to this again. This was good.
OMG, thank you as usual, on time.
I have just Discovered this Man of God 2022❤️❤️❤️He Will be Forever be Discovered.❤️❤️❤️
Dr Myles Spoke the truth about his life Even though the devil got excited, two powerhouses taken but this message of the truth is still hear. TOOO LATE!!!!
I've got a question. Dr Myles Munroe says in this preaching:
"The bible never calls you Cristian. Pagans did that"
I disagree with that statement, cause in fact, the bible does mentions the term Christians. Acts 11:26; 1 Peter 4:16; Acts 26:28. Please, How do you explain this??
What a great blessing we havef
Thanks to God
i can`t wait to share the message of the Kingdom praise God!
Glory hallelujah! Brother Myles has been given this message for us in this end time hour. God’s hand on him to teach us and prepare us. May God be in us to carry it forward swiftly!
In silence for God to speak. Myles really served God beyond understand to multitudes
Thanks for downloading this Teaching which is so much needed nowadays for the church…christian's theological schools
August 2022 and this is still ?
A timeless message in 2022. One that I am going to teach others
Glory Hallelujah
Awesome teaching.
I have listened to Munro's sermons everyday for two months and I tell you he changed my whole thinking system, great ambassador of the kingdom.
Amen ?
Thanks for sharing the Word of God Doctor Miles Munroe ?
So nice to hear Pastor Myles. Can't stop hearing his wisdom ?
Prolific teacher of the kingdom of God.
Thank God for this teaching
Kingdom were lost along the way that's why it's not being preached anymore
From now on I'm no longer a christian am a citizen of the kingdom of God
It's very new and amazing truth Kingdom of Heaven. I like it and I decided to follow this truth with my whole heartedly.
2023 and this will forever be relevant. So so powerful!!
4/10/23 ❤ Thank you Jesus ??
7:47 We've made the process ( the way to the kingdom) the gospel.
Amen, great message
Galatians 4:7
No longer servants
Sons a
Thank you for this message, Late Dr. Myles Munreo. Your legacy is a footprint to our generation
2023 am here like never before, great message
It's 2023 and I'm still sharing this message with anyone who will listen because this explains a lot about our assignment here on earth. This has Blessed me and my family and I thank God for all his messages. We thank God for his family for continuing his legacy. ? ? ?
I still listen to Dr. Miles Monroe in 2023 is my spiritual pastor even though absent from his body, He is present with the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY
I am addicted to this kingdom message, it was just revealed to me in January of 2023, during a time of crisis in my life and the message overcame the crisis and redirected my focus on the ? kingdom, it's all I'm yearning for now. I've purchased about 13 of his books because of Hosea 4:6 and the desire to know more about the kingdom.