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  1. I am so thankful to Yahuwah for the changed life from the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of Heaven. And yes May the gospel of the kingdom of of Yahuwah be manifested in my area of work and play. Shalom

  2. This is well thought out church doctrine but is not biblical. Matthew 28:19-20 KJV Jesus says teach all things I've commanded. Matthew 10:5-6 Jesus commanded do not go to the gentiles but only to jews. Read Acts 2 which is suppose to be the start of new church but it says new members were added. Also read all acts 2 in a kjv bible and see if there's one mention of a gentile. If you don't have a kjv don't even bother it's changed all over and you won't get it. If you want a clue about your bible rightly divided it's not gonna follow what satan has has made it today. Here's a good start rightly divided. Basic Bible Comprehension L1 (Keith R Blades) This guy passed but is a right divider 2 tim 2:15

  3. You, yes you, are one of the Kingdom of God College teachers, just as powerful as Myles Munroe. This teaching of the Kingdom is what will revolutionize every Denomination and bring us all together as one.
    Matthew 24:14
    And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

    The "gospel of the Kingdom "….

    Gods Kingdom is much more than just Jesus on the Cross, his Resurrection and the Holy Spirit coming to us, that's the beginning of the gospel of the Kingdom of God that gives you access into the Rest of Gods Kingdom and his Kingdom ways.

      "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his "righteousness"; and all these things shall be added unto you.
    Matthew 6:33

    Gods Kingdom has ways in which the Kingdom of God works.

    You learn to by faith seek how Gods Kingdom works and simply believe and it will automatically begin to add things to your life here on earth.

    Seek, seek, seek "first"  Gods Kingdom and his Righteousness and all other things will be added to you.

    When the fullness of the "gospel of the Kingdom" is finally preached around the world, then the end will come.

    Yes the first part of the gospel of the Kingdom, Jesus on the Cross has been preached around the world, but not yet has the fullness of the gospel of Gods Kingdom been preached around the world.

    Until now, here in our generation 2022, the teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom has begun to accelerate ………

  4. You are a loving brother pastor, but I feel you're in one error. Nowhere is it biblical that baptism is a public identity. As a loving brother the Bible calls me to speak the TRUTH IN LOVE. The Bereans examined the scriptures to see if what Paul was saying was true. After all that Paul went through on the road to Damascus with Jesus he still had his Sins. Acts 22 16 says Ananias told SAUL what are you waiting for. Arise. Get up and be Baptized and wash your SINS away Calling on his name. No public declaration. The Ethiopian Eunuch was Alone with Philip in Acts 8 when he was Baptized. Their was no one public there to identify his Baptism. And as far as the thief on the cross goes, while Jesus was alive he had the power to forgive sins. Jesus did not yet die. Romans 6/3 "Or don't you know all of us who were Baptized into Christ Jesus were Baptized into his death?" So how do we get into the body of Christ? Galatians 3/27 reads" "For all of YOU who were Baptized INTO CHRIST Have clothed (YOURSEVLES ) With Christ." 2 Timothy 2/10 says SALVATION is in Christ. John 5/11 "God has given US ETERNAL LIFE and this life is IN HIS SON."
    Act 2/38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized EVERYONE of you for the FORGIVNESS of your SINS. And you will RECIEVE the gift of the Holy Spirit." In 1 Peter 3/21 The water that saved them is the same water that saves us also. it does not SYMBOLIZE Identity but it symbolizes BAPTISM That now save you also. I'm not from a Baptist Church. I like your peaching. I just Think you might want to reconsider the order of Mathew 28 Go into all nations First Baptizing, and then teaching them, Not the other way around. I'm just a Layman That loves to study the TRUTH.. MAY GOD BLESS YOU. COMMENT IF YOU WANT

  5. Father, I am ever so grateful to wisdom of Dr Munroe in the mighty name of your Son Jesus, thank you Dr Munroe, may your work done on earth shall shine like Diamond for ever , Amen

  6. My Mentor Dr. Miles Monroe. I thank you Heavenly Father for your son Dr.Miles Monroe Gracious Father you gave us a teacher that teach us all your word in our age of time. Im very grateful because there are few man that i would listen to. I put my trust in your word Heavenly Father. Thank you again for Dr. Miles Monroe Ministry & continue to bless his children for continuingl to do Exceptionalism Exploits thru the word of God for the kingdom of God here on Earth as it is in the Heavens


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