Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
The "gospel of the Kingdom "….
Gods Kingdom is much more than just Jesus on the Cross, his Resurrection and the Holy Spirit coming to us, that's the beginning of the gospel of the Kingdom of God that gives you access into the Rest of Gods Kingdom and his Kingdom ways.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his "righteousness"; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Gods Kingdom has ways in which the Kingdom of God works.
You learn to by faith seek how Gods Kingdom works and simply believe and it will automatically begin to add things to your life here on earth.
Seek, seek, seek "first" Gods Kingdom and his Righteousness and all other things will be added to you.
When the fullness of the "gospel of the Kingdom" is finally preached around the world, then the end will come.
Yes the first part of the gospel of the Kingdom, Jesus on the Cross has been preached around the world, but not yet has the fullness of the gospel of Gods Kingdom been preached around the world.
Until now, here in our generation 2022, the teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom has begun to accelerate …
I'm studying accounting. Yet the way I get excited to listen to Dr. Mules Munroe, my life balances. For he has made the Word simply and sweet like honeycomb. Thank you Jesus.
@Antisemitism is what derailed the arrogant, so called "Church Fathers " by not allowing not one Jewish representative of God's scriptures from the Nicene Council and down through the ages of the "Church " Genesis 12:3 was, and is still in play when it comes to blessings and curses on down to Matthew 25:31-46, of the "sheep and goats." And that's an email of emails. God bless you on your journey!!!
This guy has some truth but too biblical errors. It's amazing that he was a preacher who was full of error like Paul was. The difference is that this man has the completed word of God and Paul was going off of the old testament. I appreciate his honesty in being taught error. He still is listening to error inspite of the biblical points that he refers to.
I heard of Mr Monroe and he was a true man of God and biblical teachings. I’ve been in church for as far as I can remember and never ever learned like I learned listening to him??♀️
Mahn I thank the Holy Sprit for leading me in to his teaching..everytime I stucked I have been redirected to all his deep that I can really understand and impacting my lives as well..thanks Sir you may have left us but your legacy stays on with us..GB this Ministry..
Awesome teachings
Has been a blessing. Thank you.
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
The "gospel of the Kingdom "….
Gods Kingdom is much more than just Jesus on the Cross, his Resurrection and the Holy Spirit coming to us, that's the beginning of the gospel of the Kingdom of God that gives you access into the Rest of Gods Kingdom and his Kingdom ways.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his "righteousness"; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
Gods Kingdom has ways in which the Kingdom of God works.
You learn to by faith seek how Gods Kingdom works and simply believe and it will automatically begin to add things to your life here on earth.
Seek, seek, seek "first" Gods Kingdom and his Righteousness and all other things will be added to you.
When the fullness of the "gospel of the Kingdom" is finally preached around the world, then the end will come.
Yes the first part of the gospel of the Kingdom, Jesus on the Cross has been preached around the world, but not yet has the fullness of the gospel of Gods Kingdom been preached around the world.
Until now, here in our generation 2022, the teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom has begun to accelerate …
I have used his books as tools for my Bible study.
I'm studying accounting. Yet the way I get excited to listen to Dr. Mules Munroe, my life balances. For he has made the Word simply and sweet like honeycomb. Thank you Jesus.
This is like the jimmy Hendrix of the kingdom of God !!! Uniqueness that destroys religion
@Antisemitism is what derailed the arrogant, so called "Church Fathers "
by not allowing not one Jewish representative of God's scriptures from
the Nicene Council and down through the
ages of the "Church "
Genesis 12:3 was, and is still in play when it comes to blessings and curses on down to Matthew 25:31-46, of the "sheep and goats."
And that's an email of emails.
God bless you on your journey!!!
@Dr. Myles Munroe is the closest we've come to the TRUTH since Jesus and the Apostles. Read history.
August 4, 2017. I Received.
Can anyone tell us what verse did dr Miles refers to when he said “in the book of John”
But didn’t gave us the verses
Lord have mercy! The truth sets you free !
King Jesus Christ amen ?
Wow wow wow! Revelation, revelation revelation!
Hallelujah, JESUS CHRIST is LORD. He is the only standard of GOD for salvation
Glory to God, thank you for sharing the Wisdom of God, Amen
This guy has some truth but too biblical errors. It's amazing that he was a preacher who was full of error like Paul was. The difference is that this man has the completed word of God and Paul was going off of the old testament. I appreciate his honesty in being taught error. He still is listening to error inspite of the biblical points that he refers to.
Great teaching. Learned so much from it. May the Lord continue to give us more insight into His Word in Jesus. Amen
I heard of Mr Monroe and he was a true man of God and biblical teachings. I’ve been in church for as far as I can remember and never ever learned like I learned listening to him??♀️
Anyone can show me the bible verse that he is referring in JOHN ????
Can’t find it
This will never get old. This great General left us an incredible legacy.
Mahn I thank the Holy Sprit for leading me in to his teaching..everytime I stucked I have been redirected to all his deep that I can really understand and impacting my lives as well..thanks Sir you may have left us but your legacy stays on with us..GB this Ministry..
Thank you you Lord for the gift of Dr Munroe. May his spirit the Holy spirit come upon us. Transforms our Minds, my mind for ever. ?
I love the Lord but how do I get into the kingdom of Heaven???
Who is coming??
Amazing teaching
Your blessed memory Sir. Thank you Jesus. I am very bless ❤️❤️.
This sermon helps any believer grasp God's will for humanity very soundly. Dr. Myles is ever my favorite.
Blessings Munroe Global.
It's the hour of the kingdom. Amen
Praise God Repent and believe the gospel of the kingdom of God ! I am a citizen by faith in Jesus Christ ❤
My mind is blown away by Dr Myles Munroe's teaching. Amazing.
24:55, sleeping or praying?