THE KEEPER S2E1 – PART 6 || Written & Produced by Femi Adebile

The Keeper Season 2 Episode 1 The Keeper Part 6 – Gate Keeper of the Grave I For more movies like latest mount zion movies, …


  1. You have come unto Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and to the company of innumerable angels.
    To the general assembly, the church of the first born which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirit of a the just man made perfect
    And to the Christ the mediator of new covenant and to blood sprinkling which speaks better things than the blood of Abel

  2. Indeed there shouldn’t be any fast forward cuz the Holy Spirit has inspired me through every step in this movie and deep secrets were opened to me
    Thank you so much fejosbaba may the anointing of God in your life never run dry in Jesus Name Amen πŸ™

  3. Ha I don't even know where to start from many revelations with Biblical reverences backing them up. I pray may God help us to follow this revelations until we receive total deliverance.
    Lord I thank you for revealing this and I also thank fejosbaba for making himself available. More grace sir

  4. The lord did a great thing in my life through this movie part 1and 2 and part of the testimonies is the twins am nursing presently… I wish I can share more about the journey but I don't like typing much how I wish there is a platform I can do voice note so MO G will help me post it

  5. I just wonder like which mind can think and develop all of this, in deed it is not by mighty nor by power, but by the spirit of the Lord. We thank God for this team that is being used by the Holy Spirit to minister unto us. The Lord bless and keep you all!

  6. I really what to thank God for what God have done in my life through this video, I follow this video from part one to the last with three day dry fasting every week and my life change, I was on able to eat one quare meal every day and I was angry with my life and I say to myself that , the change that happened in this video must happen in my life; and God really change my lifeπŸ˜‚β€ thank you Jesus. FEJOBABA I pray that God will use you the more IJN


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