Another beautiful skit by the winlos.


  1. God is Holy and just. The wages of sin is death. Eternal separation from God. We all have sinned by breaking God's commandments. We all deserve death. God in His great mercy and love humbled Himself and took the form of a human being. He died the death we should have died. He hang on the cross as the perfect lamb of God, taking upon Himself all the sins of the world. He shed His Holy blood on that cross defeating the devil each and every demon and all of them together. He triumphed over death, curses, sicknesses, the devil, each and every demon and all of them together and eternally declared IT IS FINISHED! No human being needs to go to hell. Hell was made for the devil and demons. Jesus Christ rose up again. He is the KING of kings and the LORD of lords. All power and authority  in heaven, on earth and in hell belongs to Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ, God, is LORD of all. God is love, holy and just. In His eternal love and knowledge He made a way for sinners to become saints, for the sick to be healed, for the cursed to be blessed, for the oppressed to be set free and for the brocken hearted to be made whole. There is no other name under heaven given unto men for us to be saved but the Name of Jesus Christ. Being saved means acknowledging that you are a sinner. Believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Repenting and asking God for forgiveness and surrending your life (past, present and future, body, soul and spirit) to God. He will hear your cry, forgive you, cleanse you from your sins with His Holy Blood and give you the power to become His child. Your name will be written in the lamb's book of life. Then ask God to baptize you with His Holy Spirit who will enable you to live the life that pleases God.
    This is an offer from God to each and every human being because He dearly loves humanity. One can accept this offer or reject it. God never forces Himself on anybody. Rejecting this offer means that you will have to stand before the judge of the universe in your own righteousness and try to justify yourself. Since He is Holy your righteousness will never be enough and you will have to hear the words "depart". We will not be able to give God stories on judgement day. He is all knowing, He is everywhere and all powerfull. Indeed Jesus Christ saves from eternal damnation. As long as you are alive the offer since remains. We need His righteousness

  2. May God. Our God father forgive All my womans. Whom got Abortions of my child's. And forgive me. As A father of those Child's. Please. Please. Please. Amen.

  3. please dear Lord forgive guiguida. And that woman. From Asia. And Luisa. And Helena. Whom did Abortions of Our child's. And lord forgive me. As father. Of those Child's. Please. Please. Please. Ames.

  4. Father please i am so sorry😢 for any evil i have done please show me what a hidden thing that i can't see so that i will ask for forgiveness and follow you with all my heart💘 please lord have mercy on us


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