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  1. We should wonder Who is advising Michelle Loud & IF they are afraid. The reason why I say that, you have the think ahead when you're dealing with deep pockets and keeping valuable documents in the house. Why not a safety deposit box at a bank.

  2. That child is going to grow up and see how his biological mother tried to fight to get him back, and he's going to resent and despise the lady that's raising him. Cora Jakes will lose him even if she gets to keep him right now. She's going to lose.

  3. If this is true, these Jakes are not what God would want people following or close to. I hope things work out the right way and gloriously for Michelle. Were they looking for his birth certificate? It's not rocket science for the police to figure this out, they went after one thing, the papers…….

  4. FYI, Ratched people take your clothes and personal items. So we know they are not street people. Coming to your house in 2 Escalades. These are not broke people. Remember, people The FEDS are watching and building a big case against the Jakes. Do you know who can do more damage than the FEDS, those people who entered her home, witchcraft and watch you closer than a laser hidden camera?
    GOD's Wrath. See, they think they are doing damage control. Wait for the KARMA wind to blow.

  5. Somebody, go start a "Go Fund Me" account…cause they stole her rent money. Matter of fact, The Blood of Jesus is going to bring this young lady OUT and give her DOUBLE for all the TROUBLE they put her through. I am appalled. God is right.


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