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  1. How i ms Larry Reid trying to protect him? Larry been putting him on blast for atleast 4 years. Furthermore i don’t believe the accusations about Larry. They went to court. It’s public information.

  2. Q guy called into Larry's show one time and tild everyone that Bishop Bloomer was a speaker at a conference at his church and he was a driver. He invited him back up to the room and sodmized his mouth. That man was so emotional. There was a tecording of that man later talking to Bloomer and he apologized. I don't think Bloomer knew he was being recorded, but its in these uoutube streets.Larry and Bloomer hang together to this day. They were at Carlton Pearson's funeral together.

  3. Man if these fools are grown, they ain't victims 😂😂 u like sucking duck and getting backshots 😂😂 that's on u, TD Jakes is just trying to keep his reputation is why that fool will pay $$$$ majorly

  4. There is a police report filed against Larry Reid. There are several accusations against Reid. It is alleged that he went through his old hometown and paid a lot of hush money about his action to keep them quiet.

  5. I am going to say this, I believe by reaching out to the Jakes camp, it is now giving shake down or a hand off as to who the accusers are. The legality of it is that this is criminal if something happens to the victims. All of this can fall into Larry’s lap if he is not careful, especially if he receives a fee for this deed. If Jakes has this much power that he can put out a contract on you, it is best LR to stay away from people like that. Remember this, Nobody and I mean absolutely Nobody in the crab box is going to want to go down into the bottom of the barrel by themselves. If Jakes has that type of buying power, he might can buy his way out of a prison term, but where is that going to leave you? You sir will have to serve a lot of time and if you talk, it could be you in danger. If I were you, I would tread carefully and mind your business. This is the wrong time and the wrong way to try to make a buck.

  6. Predators cover predators evil assist evil🎯💥🤷🏽‍♀️ Larry Reid blatantly put it out there to the public that he doesn't give a damn about the victims I don't know if you guys are familiar with the Brotherhood the Freemasons but this is how they operate they cover for one another the assist one another🎯😒 and he will be paid some way some some

  7. I would suggest everyone who is watching this go and watch Larry Reid videos in completion and in context. I do not call myself a "fan" of Larry Reid, I just learned off him about a month ago. After the TD Jakes issue came out and he spoke to the congregation. In my opinion, Larry is not working with the Jakes, but we all know, once this all comes out about Jakes, so many people will stop going to church PERIOD! I agree with Larry that we shouldn't look at any of this as a complete "church" issue more than an actual "people" issue. I heard Larry himself say that he did not give everyone name, but he did give situations that Jakes team should be aware of. And those men knew ahead of time what Larry was going to do because he told them. Larry is also the only person who I have seen who has provided actual proof and evidence in the Mr Jordan case. These are the same screenshots that out bloggers are sharing in their commentaries. He even stated in one of his videos that he told the victims to go to the police department and make a filing. Until then he was not going to share anything of what they had shared with him. Once the victims file with the courts, then he will address it. ATP we are all aware that in the case of TD Jakes having to serve any jail, it is never going to happen. Especially with his connections in Texas and beyond. The only thing the victims can truly do at this point is sue for money. Larry is the one suggesting that they file a police report and get their story out publicly. After watching his videos and his lives, Larry is not working with the Jakes in any fashion, lol. If anything, he is their worst enemy right now because he continues to discuss it. Once these other men come out publicly, their lives as they know it will be over because of the world we live in. So at the end of the day, I do not feel he is telling any of them wrong. Just check his videos out for yourself though, in full context and form your own opinion. In my opinion though, due to his relationship with Bishop Jordan, and his son, he is getting his information right from the horses mouth. No one else was able to show screenshots of TD Jakes texting Mr. Jordan at 2 am, if they did, they got it all from Larry.

  8. What is IN the dark God is revealing it into the light💥Jesus is Lord!! You Know how this all ends??? Jesus won!!! Serving the devil makes you loser of LIFE!! Please Get jesus today before it is too late too ⏰ late!! Matthew 6:33


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