The Inconvenient Call by Daniel Kolenda

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda opens up a often misunderstood verse in Luke 9. Yeshua's call to the young man seemed to harsh, but as we look into the context of the word we see that this young man's rejection of God's call was inconvenience. Many times we push back God's call on our lives until a more convenient time, but in the meantime we can be passing by what God intended for our lives.

Recorded on September 22 2013

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Every time he opens his mouth is God is in the centre of his heart . And God’s words . Whoever listens to him will know the truth and bless by God .

  2. His explanation of the young man requesting to first bury his father (Luke 9) is very interesting. Many in Africa would say such things because traditionally, it is expected, even required that children perform pagan rituals after their parents’ death. Those who do not perform those rituals can be considered as dishonoring their dead parents in a culture where honoring one’s parents is highly valued. Many would face persecutions if they refused. Since they know they can’t do those required and much-expected rituals as Christians, some would postpone their following the Lord to the time after burying their parents. That could take many years.

  3. I can’t believe someone has cut this message short? I’m shocked. The video stops just at the key point where Daniel is telling unsaved people HOW they come to Jesus??!! What if someone unsaved is watching this video & is ready to receive Jesus? Are you hoping they will just know what to do? This was a powerful and anointed gospel message but is interrupted mid flow with a nice song. The gospel is too important than to miss opportunities like this. I think you need to upload the full message.

  4. Invait for jews rabbai to for kingdome.they have old testemant.we charch we have new and old testement.we must be togather put hand to hand heart to heart love to love mind to mind.i invaite in all my heart to jews rabbai to join with us not hidding in front of all.yes in front of all.i know my lord.he bless us for kingdome.amen amen.i saw jews rabbai heart they did alot of but…


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