Thank you for watching!! β€œThe word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective].


  1. Halo im a woman from pta i didnt know about your ministrie or about any one there a month ago i had a dream about a man with black hair and when i saw kobus on you tube i knew it was him i dreamed about. Dreamed me and my husband took alot of people to a beautiful house and kobus wad standing in front of black bord teaching the word of God and i saw people slain in the Spirit and people that where healed of illnesses and i came upon your YouTube chanell and i watched the three teaching about healing the sick i cried for a hour and half because everything kobus said the Lord was teaching me and my husband about but there was still things we dn not understand and kobus's teaching put all the missing parts together and i praise Jesus and give Him all the Glorie and praise


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