The Importance of Fasting – Prophet Kobus

Prophet Kobus teaches on “The Importance of Fasting” Prophet Kobus Snr was passionate about reading and preaching the Word …


  1. On 12/02/2020 I have listened again to this message and made a effort to take notes as well. What a ausome message and revelation about prayer and fasting. I pray that Spirit Word House may be bless today in a supernatural way in Jesus Name.

  2. 👇👇👇👇🤫🤫🤫👇👇👇
    I hope this sermon is before he understood how we suppose to be separated from Jewish religion, culture, and tradition. Fasting is the Jewish way of coming to God, a servant approach to a master. It has nothing to do with the Sons of God. Your Father does not listen to you and answer you because you fast and starve your flesh but because you are His beloved son. Why do you need to convince your Father to answer you if you are seated with Christ? Do you think Jesus has to fast in heaven today for the Father to answer Him?! I don't think so because He is in the Father and Father is in him (John 17). Aren't you in Christ and Christ in you, then why do you need fasting to be heard?! Fasting and praying are Jewish idioms two things that can not be separated like husband and wife. A Jew can not say I'm praying without fasting because he never believes he will receive freely just by asking. Jesus told us that so ever you asked The Father to give to you because He loves you, not because you pray and fast.

    Almost all the verses quoted are out of context. Forced to make a point.

    Act 13 Saul and Barnabas getting separated from the Jewish tradition, even the name Saul indicates that these are Jewish men still under a mixture of Grace and law (Judaism and Christianity). Jewish men fasting and praying. Act 10 Cornellius a converted Jew praying and fasting according to the Jewish custom and religion. Acts 27 Paul heard God, not the other who went without food. Paul always hears God regardless of prayer and fasting. The other people on the ship according to this teaching fasted and prayed but not heard from God. Why? Because it has nothing to do with it in the new testament. They abstain from food not fasted but Paul begged them to eat because they are getting weak not strong from the abstinence (fasting).
    Matt 17:12 This kind does not come out without prayer and fasting. It says this only in Matthew's gospel and we all know the gospel of Matthew is written for Jews predominantly with a lot of Jewish culture and tradition. Mark 9:29 -In the oldest gospel Mark does not say fasting but prayer only go check it out and do your research. I'm not gone touch the OT ones because it is self-explanatory, all Jewish religion.

    In the main verse of Matt 9:14, Mark 2:18, and Luke 5:33 Jesus talks about not fasting. Jesus didn't fast after He came out of the wilderness so did His disciples. That's why John's disciples were confused and asked why. Jesus answered they don't fast because I'm with them but when I'm taken away they will fast.

    Jesus is setting a principle here. So the question is Jesus with you or taken away from you? You decide! Jesus is with me more than that in me, even better than that, one with me and the Father.

    They fasted from His crucifixion until the Holy Spirit come and we become one with Him. But the disciples not understanding the new wine continued with their Jewish tradition not understanding the difference between the new and the old, till Paul started revealing the truth ( study the gospel of the disciples vs Paul -Gal 2)

    But Jesus said you can not put new wine in the old wineskin or a new cloth on an old one, meaning you can not bring fasting a Jewish tradition based on human flesh or efforts or performances into the grace-based or gift-given freely system. You will destroy both. If you take the person born out of the Holy Spirit or the New wine and try to put him under the Law or Jewish tradition the result is death. You can NOT mix this two. All Paul's teaching are clear on that. Fasting is for John's disciples and Pharisees or old wineskin or Judaism so don't force the new wine or the Sons of God born out of His Spirit into that old wineskin was Jesus's argument.

    Paul one's he has a full revelation of the grace gospel he never mentions fasting at all but to the contrary, he says this

    Col 2 (NKJV)
    ²¹ "Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,"
    ²² which all concern things which perish with the using–according to the commandments and doctrines of men?
    ²³ These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in👉self-imposed religion, 👉false humility, and 👉neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.

    So now put fasting in the context of a Father and Son relationship or the risen Christ and The Father, and test it if it makes any sense.

  3. I just started listening to these teachings 0n 4-2-22. Ive never heard such great teaching witch clarity and it’s because he puts the Scriptures together so well. It reminds me of what the people said about Jesus teachings that He taught with Authority.
    I’ve already listened to al least 14 hours of teaching in about one days time.
    Thank you for posting these and May God continue to Bless you for taking the time to put these on YouTube.
    God Bless, Steve Miller


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