Bishop Feb Idahosa, The presiding Bishop church of God mission international headquarters church and Rev Laurie Idahosa …


  1. We are blessed. Rev. Laurie and Bishop Idahosa are wonderful and we learned so much from this interview about what is true love and how much we need Jesus, the real true love to teach us support and cherish our spouse. Amen. God bless your ministry

  2. My brother Chims if possible I would really be blessed to have a private chat with you….
    May be if I can have your what's up number,if that's fine (+268)79038382……
    Pardon me again if I've stayed

  3. Wonderful couple. Sound advice. Laurie is so warm and her smile so bright. I didn't know their story. Started following bishop Feb last month. .. I'm glad I just discovered this channel. So edifying. I'm binge watching now instead of sleeping ?


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