An ailing movie star comes to terms with his past and mortality. World-renowned icon Sam Elliott stars as an aging actor …


  1. I was very disappointed that Chicken Soup for The Soul would add a movie with so much profanity to their collection. Very very disappointing. I usually watch Chicken Soup for the Soul movies to feel uplifted, and although the message in this movie was ok, the language was distracting and disappointing. Instead, I was left feeling dirty. It’s a sad day when I can’t even trust Chicken Soup for the Soul . . .

  2. I enjoyed the movie. A man coming to terms with his mortality. The people who were in his life and the people who came into his life. Every movie tells a story – just a different style. Just because some people don’t get it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see it.

  3. I love Sam, Elliott, and I value his work… I love his deep voice, which I know his help to make him famous, but having been a cancer patient myself, this movie is deeper than most people want to actually acknowledge!

  4. They call it Chicken Soup for the Soul? The ONLY cure for the lost soul is Jesus Christ and Hollywood decieves us as SATAN'S Tool by trying to make you believe success, money, laughter, booze, pot, hallucinogenic mushrooms, molly (ecstasy), sex, poetry, or anything other than Faith in Jesus will truly fufill our Souls and restore our relationship with God and forgive our sins and give us "Another Chapter" to write in this World or the next to come. As in Jesus we have Eternal Life in Heaven with Jesus. The lies and deception of Hollywood (ultimatly Satan), I pray God would give you eyes to see and ears to hear the truth! I pray that you would be drawn near to God and repent of your sins and by Faith trust in Jesus Christ for Forgiveness of your sins and you will be saved! Then be Baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and you will rtecieve the Gift of the Holy Spirit who will take up residence in your heart and you will be Born Again! The Holy Spirit is the deposit of Eternal Life who will guide you in all truth! Then find a good Bible Preaching Church and start reading the Bible in the Book of John and memorize a verse or two a day and meditate on it and pray and ask God to show what He wants you to understand from that verse! May God bless you real good!


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