This episode introduces the entire series about origins and the two competing worldviews; the biblical and a naturalistic …


  1. A smoke detector can be a fractal modem where you can hear the intelligence of the universe and a spirit fractal fire color of coke can may visit you. It sounded like electronic Volcano too loud for 9volt battery. It made fear and not anger so was female spirit. It's YouTube song volcano girls. You can't fall in love with that why they say in God we trust. The spirit wanted me to wake up the neighborhood so that what I'm trying to do. It's the flying spaghetti monster the Darwinists tricked into talking about.

  2. Their is person named docky that has the scientific proof of God. I think it's a poster that can't be corrupted or weaponized. Doctor like and not an actual doctor is best for evolution. No expensive skills are needed for evolution. I searched for docky and found a fitness expert selling medical equipment. Scientific proof of God gave her nicest intelligence you will ever see. My work is a description of nature that compliment the scientific proof of God and confirms it.

  3. The supernatural is clinky and clunky. I unified it with a poem. The supernatural is designed to exaggerate things in the environment so you can profile it and learn. One of the things we profiled is a wheel on a train. For some reason they needed it. Grunge rock is baby music. I made clinky and clunky Grunge music with MTV music generator and police sirens went off in the video game. They stole it because they couldn't wait for me. They set up the police for discrimination and they said I gave it away.

  4. A spy classifies himself. Whatever you desire they will help you with it. The problem with evolution is you ask for too much and make too much work. They gave me astrophysicist classification that I didn't ask for it but I like it. I'm not a scientist but I am an artist. It's perfectly normal for the people to think like an artist with a simple mind. It's science that new and has a complex mind that need expensive training.

  5. Art is kooky. Science is weird. Organized crime is crazy. Kooky worlds best intelligence. Lucille Ball was kooky. God revealed himself as a kooky baby. It was real nice but it wasn't appreciated they thought it was mentally ill.

  6. String theory is imagination. The imagination of the universe is anarchy poems that nice. I had temporary ability to make them. We got enough to study. The artists have a room in their imagination to play in that the scientists don't have yet. They wanted to explore the universe without it because they think everything worth doing once. Now we done and the scientists can have a room in their imagination to play in. The room in my imagination has hell in it that makes paranoia beautiful God's greatest gift.

  7. Stars we see are millions of lightyears away which means if we see it, the universe is older than a few thousand years and if you believe god created laws of the universe this must be constant and you can't just make exception when you feel like it.

  8. I appreciate them too! Indeed! It takes immense enthusiasm and effort to believe and understand but it is rewarding. Those who understand better instead of just repeating like a parrot, are able to apply what they learn better and work on any subject known or unknown, reasoning from effect to cause, even while asleep. There is no excuse for not giving the best, proper and efficient use to one's brain, which is also a means to improve present and future societies towards the infinite into accepting that God does Exist!

  9. The Bible and genesis talk about erlier
    creations and that by logic is much older.
    One must understand it has been several
    creations as water and life on the planet.
    Then a upgrade were modern humans
    was created from the first creation of life
    here on Earth.
    This five thousand years idea is wrong!
    You connect it by flood story and a line
    after that cataclysm.
    In Genesis the start talks about God did
    create their system Heaven first.
    Then he created the system Earth with
    rest out of Heavens creation.
    Then the Neutron star in the system
    Heaven,, was born and with a super nova
    egnited our Sun that was a gas giant.
    In the fusion that start all the water in
    the gas giant was "pushed out".
    That is were our planets water come
    from in the beginning..
    Water come to Earth and amino acids.
    In the tidal pooles with clay and the Sun.
    One cell life that begun and thrived into
    several cell life and so on up to today .
    That was the second creation that we
    got upgraded by our God as a creation
    of a life that sprung up from the first
    creation of a living planet.
    That was not 5000 years ago by the Bible.
    The Bible indicates when Cain had slain his
    brother,, and God say you must leave.
    Cain said the people out there will kill me
    God said i will put a mark on you and no
    one will kill you.
    Who was that people if there where no
    people before the decendens to Cain
    and Abel.
    One must realise Bible is right but not as
    one first think when get keys to unlock the
    hidden messages.

  10. YAHUAH/YAHWEH/YAHVEH/GEOVA/JEOVÁ/JEHOVÁ/JEHOVAH is the UNCREATED GOD… Yeshua/Jesus/Jesús/Gesù is the unequal created and only begotten son (everything made through him).

    No such thing as Trinity, Hell, and rapture, not all are going to heaven (so why create earth in the first place) and all petitions to YAHUAH, must be requested via his son Yeshua our only savior and redeemer (who scarified his life for humanity).

    We only need YAHUAH, via Yeshua and the Bible to guide us (that is it). All religious leaders, with their false indoctrination's and traditions are a CANCER and LIE to humanity!!!

    Never put your faith in the hands of human leaders, they'll deceive you!!!

  11. One of the things I struggle with is what to do with the words "natural" and "supernatural." On the one hand, the presence of God seems very natural to me. The infinite power of God and the infinite wisdom of God both make perfect sense to me and seem quite natural to me. In my heart, I expect God. I would be quite surprised if I were to somehow discover that there is no God. The existence and nature of God seem to me quite natural.

    On the other hand, as I observe the universe, from galactic clusters to sub-nuclear particles, everything seems designed, everything seems to have purpose, everything seems created and therefore there is nothing that is natural. It is all artificial and behind it all is the Creator God who has done all things with intentionality. If by "natural," you mean by simple chance without the intervention of an intelligent agent, there is nothing in the universe that meets that description.

    So, yeah – I struggle with both of those two words. They seem to me as things that come out of the minds of godless men and don't at all fit in my Christian worldview. I suppose the only thing "natural" in the universe is God Himself. He is exactly what we should expect and He certainly is not an artifact. Everything else in the universe ultimately has God as its source and is therefore artificial. God is natural. Everything else is artificial. There is no "supernatural."

  12. Danny Faulkner one of the most dishonest and self diluted individuals to associate himself with biblical cosmology. The "worldview" he pushes is masonic and therefore pagan.

  13. Atheists believe that rocks are their creator god. Carl Sagan, the high priest of Atheism, once said, "The universe wanted to know itself and so it created life." (See COSMOS)

    Although is'a a poetic thought, it's also a religions philosophy. The universe, Atheism teaches" is our creator god. In the beginning, therefore, the universe decided to create life. Of course, if the universe decided this then it's already alive but let's ignore that.

    How did the universe create life? From rocks and chemicals, of course! The fact that no experiment has ever succeeded in creating life in a test tube doesn't deter their strong faith that rocks are our creator.

    God made the universe so that living things could not create minerals and minerals could not create living things. This is a universal constant that Atheism doesn't believe. A Medical Doctor told a woman I know that her "body doesn't make enough potassium" and that's why he prescribed her a potassium supplement. I told the woman, your body doesn't create ANY potassium. Nobody's does. All the minerals we have in our bodies came from outside our bodies. Living things cannot create minerals.

    "Professing themselves wise, they became fools."

  14. This is a very good explanation of the different philosophies underlying the observers. If the observer goes to the Atheist church then he sees things through the lens that teaches "Rocks are our creator god". Whenever he sees carbon, methane, water, etc. he exclaims "Aha! The building blocks of life!" His excitement stems from his religious training, which says, "If we can find extraterrestrial life then that proves that rocks are our creator god." It's a very religious atmosphere among Atheists.

    Certainly, it doesn't prove that but that's the case the Atheist wants to make.

  15. Who determined the time frame for aging of the earth?
    We all need to remember that it was a man that created the calculations to determine the earth’s age. It was a man that said, this amount of carbon is this many years. It took this amount of time for this to happen. He and/or they plunked in the number of years he and/or they wanted to use as their scientific evidence. The earth is not millions of years old. Computers use information that is input by a person and what the person wants the results to read. Keep in mind that science says fire needs oxygen and fuel to burn. In space there is no oxygen and yet the sun burns. This is God.

  16. Creation and evolution not compatible.
    God did create everything and all creatures with a determined path. This is why the fall is called the fall. We fell from the determined path. If God never had a determined path for us, then what could we fall from?
    "And God saw that it was very good" then mankind fell.

    If, evolution was a tool used by God, then since earth would be the only determined planet for evolution to bring about all that we see today, and because aliens are not in God's creation due to man only being made in God's image, then are we not determined to follow a certain path in the will of God. That thought is self defeating.
    Evolution is satanic.

  17. Origins and the gospel

    The epicureans of ancient Greece believed that the universe is random, much like evolution, big bang, and all the "theories" that modern philosophy has been clinging to for decades. The epicureans also thought of matter as little points, or atoms, clinging together to form larger structures. Light was basically thin films of like substances that bounced off of objects and entered the eyes, going to the brain, which is made of the finest of all atoms so that it can view the world around it. These people did not believe in an afterlife. They taught that love of life and doing good is as close to being a sage as possible, which was their goal.

    The stoics of ancient Greece believed that all is god and god is everything. This is the same Hindu, new age, Babylonian philosophy that we see today. Stoics believed that all body's of matter (atoms) are fundamentally controlled and part of another force. The soul upon death either goes on, or, becomes part of the World Soul, and possibly onto another world.
    They taught that the main goal of life is the pursuit of virtue through happiness, and no external force can take that away. Emperor Nero was influenced by stoic teacher and philosopher Seneca. That was a driving force in Nero's hatred for the Christians later in his reign.

    Biblical creation says that God Almighty created the universe and all that is in it. We did not create God, God created us. God is not the universe, yet God is in control, commanding all matter to follow the natural laws He placed in it.

    What each of us believe about how the universe began and why we exist has a huge effect on our view of God and our own eternal future. Paul started with the beginning of creation when he gave the gospel. If any form of other thought of existence was presented by him, even if the teaching of Jesus Christ is given, then he would have preached a false gospel.

  18. Your very conscience proves a creator. The morals (standards of knowing right from wrong) of your heart that are common to all humans no matter where or how they live are the same. I'm not talking about culture, or personal agendas here. An atheist and a Jew has these same common morals that a Hindu has. A rapist, a murderer, a terrorist also all have these same morals built into their hearts, which makes them guilty when they do wrong. Why is it that tribes in South America who never had contact with any other people for hundreds of years are known to be fundamentally identical in the way they love their fellow man, like the invaders who came in and took over, do? That is part of the image of our Creator. It is also fundamentally common to have the same repetitive sins in each culture.

    If there is no Creator, or higher power, then what difference does a rock on another planet have with your brain. None, except the types of molecules that make up each, according to evolution. Then how is it that you want to seek the face of something higher, you being the same as a rock.

    To struggle with the concept of God is a relative position, founded in relative truth. Yet, that is in itself an absolute truth to the person who is struggling. But, for another person who knows in their heart that God is real, they are also using relative truth, yet absolute to themselves. Relative truth means that your truth and my truth can be opposing, but true to the person who holds it. That contradicts any relative truth, because really they are personal absolute truths.

    Take the common standards that all humans adhere to. Where did those standards come from? Not evolution. In evolution each is for itself and survival means whatever truth will protect that creature is the truth that is dominate. Therefore, evolution cannot put common truths in each person, because that contradicts the dominating truths used for survival, and there would be no person alive past a million years ago.

    Absolute Truth in its fullest form comes from intelligence. Man has intelligence, but you or I cannot put that common absolute Truth in a person who grew up by themselves amongst wolves in the jungle since being a baby. Those stories are real. Those people when discovered were moral humans, whereas the wolves that raised them do not have human morals. Only a HIGHER intelligence can pass on those morals to each person.

    Pray for God to reveal His Truth to your mind. Stop doubting the One who has been calling you since before you were born.


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