Did you know that Charles Spurgeon saw not hundreds but thousands of healings as he prayed for the sick? Well, I had no clue!


  1. Thank you! Love your ministry! I was in a cessationist church for 30 years, but the pastors and elders would anoint with oul and pray over people. I was healed twice of serious conditions the two times they prayed for me. God called me into a full gospel church after I recieved the gift of tongues 2 years ago. Thank you again!!

  2. Any born again believer has the right to petition God in Jesus' name, but unless the request aligns with the will of God, it won't be granted. Fortunately, God is merciful and often honors us by granting our requests.

  3. Thank you for this discussion! What a blessing. I'm sharing it.
    Respectfully, may I add an interesting point: Thorns in the flesh are mentioned twice in the OT, in Numbers and Joshua.
    They are not sickness.
    They are enemy PEOPLES, living beings. Paul asked that his whatever depart from him.
    He didn't ask for healing.
    I think the messenger-angel?- of Satan was a demon causing trouble.
    But I agree, healing is for today, in the Atonement, Matthew 8:16. Yet, they don't always happen in this world.

  4. You spoke about prayer and healing by two of your presenters it's my first time listening. I've been sick for a long time and want so badly to be prayed for. I am unable to go to church as I'm housebound. Can you help me

  5. I just saw this video for the first time. (Don't know how I missed it.) I appreciated the comment about not complicating prayer with what amounts to incantations. Remember, we are speaking to God asking him to act in love on another's behalf. There's a time and place for renunciations; this is not one of them.

  6. Decades ago, Holy Spirit gave me the gift of healing and I did not use it because my Baptist boss would have fired me for it. And that gift went away. I regret every day not using that gift and accepting the consequences from that boss. I feel Hope again thanks to you good brothers!

  7. Great video. Very helpful references to Conwell's biography (most later biographers censor all references to healing in Spurgeon's ministry) and very insightful comments along the way about healing in general. Thanks. By the way, I believe Spurgeon broke out into prophecy in his sermon "The Power of the Holy Ghost" when he predicted a coming, Spirit-empowered revival.


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